
Web apps which I created whilst on placement


Web apps which I created whilst on placement

Whilst on placement I worked on a number of web applications these include CRMLive and IVD


CRM and Quote management web app which can support multiple companies all under one website. Since this was a closed development project source code cant be disclosed. Here a video though - https://vimeo.com/200467905 password is Placement


  1. Register companies.
  2. Add employees to companies.
  3. Register organisation (conglomerate) and tie these to certain companies.
  4. Create a quote for a company.
  5. Get a PDF version of a quote.
  6. Fulfil a quote so reference batch numbers, courier details etc.
  7. Create a visit report.
  8. Save documents - PDF, Word, Excel etc against visit report.
  9. Add sample request.
  10. Add company feedback.
  11. Complex searching/filtering functionality.
  12. Notifications when certain actions occurs i.e when a quote is added, fulfilment team is notified.

This web application was multi tenant, so 2 other companies were using this application.


Vendor management web app. Allows a company to see which vendors they have purchased from and include what they have ordered.

Technologies learnt

  1. ASP.NET Core and MVC
  2. Web Services
  3. Razor
  4. Bootstrap
  5. Angular
  6. JavaScript and JQuery
  7. Entity Framework
  8. MSSQL
  9. Algorithms and Data Strucutures.
