
Go! NUMAKURO! What shoud NUMAKURO do?

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Numa Chrome

Go! NUMAKURO! What shoud NUMAKURO do?

NOTE: The original image of Numakuro available at https://twitter.com/Pokemon_cojp/status/540434096455831553.

How to install

  1. Download numa-chrome.crx available at https://github.com/mh61503891/numa-chrome/raw/master/numa-chrome.crx.
  2. Open chrome://extensions/ on your Chrome.
  3. Drag and drop numa-chrome.crx to the window.

How to compile

$ git clone https://github.com/mh61503891/numa-chrome.git
$ cd numa-chrome
$ gem install crxmake
$ crxmake --pack-extension ./