
A simple set of snippets to use the kobotoolbox API

Primary LanguagePython


This repo will feature sample code/snippets to pull or push data (or form definitions) using the new KoBoToolbox API


This snippet allows quickly deleting multiple assets from the command line and is useful if the user has many test or draft forms.


get_csv.py is a command line script written in Python that allows users to

  • Create a new export for a given kobo asset (project)
  • Allows customizing the export with all available options (can be passed as arguments)
  • Get a list of all previous exports
  • Get the URL of the most recent export
  • Uses basic authentication (username and password), which can be entered into the file or saved as an environment variable

Usage instructions

  • Requires Python on your computer/virtual machine.
  • Download the file or clone the repository
  • Edit the four variables specific to your account and project. Note that koboassetid refers to the unique string included in the URL of the project, e.g. https://kobo.humanitarianresponse.info/#/forms/aLLE5AEVsxzwiBCcinzWrF/summary.

The script has four commands:

  • python get_csv.py create to generate the default export (xml values, csv format, all versions included, don't show group hierarchy, separate groups/select_multiple options with /).
    • These defaults can be changed here, or they can be overriden with flags (e.g. create -t csv -l 'English (en_US)' -f true
  • python get_csv.py latest to get a URL to download the most recent export
  • python get_csv.py list to see a list of all previously created exports

For help run python get_csv.py -h

We'd love an R version of this script.

Help needed!

We would love contributions of other scripts for other purposes (R, Python, or other languages) that can be used as standalone scripts for other users.