Handling errors gracefully Dartpad Workshop

Errors can happen anytime in any application. Showing proper messages to your app users will significantly boost their experiences, but how can you do that? In this workshop, you are going beyond try/catch and will handle errors by creating your customer failure class as well as a widget and you will show proper messages based on the received messages.

Quickstart (Firebase Hosting)

  1. Fork this repository

  2. Install the Firebase CLI

  3. Set the default project ID in .firebaserc:

  "projects": {
    "default": "handling-errors-gracefully"
  1. Edit the files in public/ to create your own step-by-step workshop. The meta.yaml to configures the metadata such as the project type (Dart or Flutter), number of steps, and title.

  2. Deploy to Firebase:

firebase deploy
  1. Load in DartPad using the following URL, replacing handling-errors-gracefully with your project ID: