Image database based on the Django Web Framework in the backend and React for the frontend. The repository contains an Ansible configuration for deploying the application to a Linux server. Technologies used for the deployment are NGINX, Gunicorn and a PostgreSQL database.

Project structure

└─ ansible  # Ansible configuration 
└─ climage_project  # Django project
└─ core  # Django app
└─ frontend  # Frontend application bootstrapped using Create React App

Frontend installation

In the frontend directory, you can run yarn install to install all dependencies and yarn start to tun the app.

Backend installation

Create a virtualenv and install the requirements:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Set up a PostgreSQL database, and add the credentials to the ini file:

cp development.ini.dist development.ini
vi development.ini (enter credentials)

Run all migrations and start the app.

python migrate
python runserver