
Some very minor and trivial aws cli tools

Primary LanguageShell

Some minor awscli tools

Nothing in particular, but enough people asked me to share that it made more sense to just put them in a repo.

Profile selector

A simple CLI profile selector that will allow a selection of the currently configured profile and propagate that into the environment for use.

To use, simply add something like:

alias awsprofile="source /some/where/awsprofile.sh"

in your ~/.bashrc file.

Credentials storage for secret-tool

A simple credentials helper that will store access and secret keys using secret-tool, instead of exposing them in the credentials file. This also comes with the benefit of locking them when the screen is locked, and getting the same kind of timeout-lock as everything else stored in the password store.

To enable, configure something like:

[profile whatever]
region = some-region
credential_process = /some/where/awscred.sh get

In your ~/.aws/config file. Note that the entries for this profile have to be removed from ~/.aws/credentials if they exist, or that will take precedence.

Sadly it does not appear to be possible to set the credentials process as the default one, it has to be copy/pasted once for each profile.

Prompt highlighting the selected profile

This is something that probably needs more custom integration, but can serve as an example.

To get the currently selected AWS profile listed in the prompt, put something like:

source /some/where/awsprompt.sh

in your ~/.bashrc file.