
Just a rough draft of a git deployer, probably quite different from what ends up in productoin...

Primary LanguagePython


gitdeployer is a trivial tool to implement a git "ping hook" and initiate a deployment of a typical application.

Configure using gitdeployer.ini (see sample file), don't forget to set up a firewall, and deploy using the systemd unit file.


There is expected to be a firewall that prevents bad guys from calling the URL. There is no attempt to do rate limiting or anything like that.

Each repository is assigned a name and a key. The url format is /deploy/<reponame>/<key>/, and any GET to this url will initiate a deployment.

Repository types

For each repository, a type is specified. All repositories include a git repository root, but some types also need more information.


This repository type is the simplest possible. It will just execute a git pull --rebase in the root directory and then it will be done.


This repository type is almost as simple. It will first execute a git pull --rebase in the root directory.

If a symlink called python and a file called manage.py exists in the root directory, it will also execute ./python manage.py migrate in this directory.

If there are any files named *.pyc in the checkout (recursively), these are removed before doing the pull, to ensure there are not any left for modules where the python source file has been removed. They will usually be recreated by the migrate step, if it is run.


This repository type deploys a repository using the deploystatic method from pgeu. It starts by running git pull --rebase, and then executes deploystatic. It needs the following configuration variables set:

target specifies the directory to deploy the website to. templates specifies the directory to deploy raw templates into.


This repository type deploys a repository using the deploystatic method from pgeu, but instead of working from a checkout of an individual branch, it can directly deploy a branch. It will run a git fetch to update the repository, and then immediately work from the branch specified. It needs the following configuration variables set:

target specifies the directory to deploy the website to. templates specifies the directory to deploy raw templates into.

branch specifies the branch name, usually including the remote, for example origin/master.


This assumes a bare repository and will simply update it from the default upstream with a git fetch --prune, to keep a mirror in sync.

Branch name substitution

When using the pgeubranch type, branch name substitution can be used to avoid a lot of reptition. By ending a repository name with -*, it will be enabled, and the * will be replaced with the branch name. For example:


In this example, a ping to /deploy/somerepo-branch1/secret will cause the branch origin/branch1 to be deployed to /some/web/root/branch1 and templates to /some/web/templates/*.

Deploying specific commits

In normal mode, for any type except pgeubranch the existing branch in the checked out directory will be rebased on it's own master using git pull --rebase.

It is also possible to check out an individual commit. To do that, the "ping" that's sent should be a POST and include the variable commit as part of the submit (with normal form encoding). When found, this commit will be checked out, instead of a rebase. This will normally result in a detached head, but if it's moved to the tip of the branch again it will "reattach".

For this to be allowed, the parameter allowcommit must be set in the configuration for the repository.


If the key notify is set for a repository, then whenever this repository is updated in a way that changes any files (so not if a deploy is triggered but there was no update), the script/program defined in notify gets called. This scripts gets the list of git revisions in the format abc123abc..def345def on the command line and a list of modified files on standard input, one file per line.

Notification currently does not work when checking out an individual commit, only when a branch is being followed.