
Simple mattermost to irc relaying gateway

Primary LanguagePython


Matterlay is a small relay bridge between Mattermost and IRC. Unlike for example MatterBridge it does not connect to an existing IRC network and try to bridge the content there. Instead, it runs its own dedicated service process emulating an IRC server. This gives it more control over things like nickname mapping. It is intended for personal relaying, not mapping existing public channels.

This code is definitely a work in progress at this point


Matterlay is a simple Python 3 script. It is built on the asyncio module, and uses the new async syntax from Python 3.5+. It also uses the following modules:

  • aiohttp
  • passlib
  • pycrypto (1.7 or later)
  • websockets

When run the script will bind to localhost on port 9991. At this point that's hardcoded, but this should be moved to a config file or commandline parameter. Currently there is no TLS support.


Multi-user is supported, but not particularly well tested at this point.

A user logs in with an IRC client to port 9991 on localhost, and should always use the same nick as the name used in the Mattermost server. (This needs to be changed once support for multiple Mattermost servers is properly done).

After logging in, a virtual channel named matterlay will be automatically created. In this channel, the user should identify by sending the command identify password. If there is no user by this name, one will be created with the given password. If there is one already, it will be authenticated with the same password (and disconnected if it's wrong).

Once authenticated, a Mattermost server can be added by using the add command in this virtual control channel, like this:

add Mattermostserver.mydomain.com topsecretMattermostpassword

If a server is added, it will automatically be connected to when the user is identified.



Channels are auto created for any channel that the user is present in in the Mattermost client.

At this point, there is no support for joining channels beyond that. So channel joining has to happen from the Mattermost web client or mobile client.

Direct messages

Direct messages are fully supported both to existing open DM channels and new ones. Just use /msg nick message to open a new channel.

Searching for users

In the command channel, the search command can be used to do a general search for users when the nickname is not used, like this:

search joe

Which will return a list of all users matching joe, including information on them. The matching is controlled by the Mattermost server, and normally matches both name and email address.