Welcome to the Object_Converter!
This repository contains a Java application that can parse 3D-Worlds in the Wavefront format as well as in its proper format, called GWO. An opened world can be written in both file formats. It requires a Java runtime environment in version 9 or higher.
The initial idea for this project was to create a file format for 3D-Worlds which is platform indepent and which can be read by multiple threads at the same time. The easy to parse, text based Wavefront format served as a base for that file format. Additionally, some individually specified informations should as well be saved in the format.
The approach for this project is quite straight forward: In a graphical user interface, the user should be able to see all 3D-Objects of the opened world. For each object, one can select a profile (class), and select the appopriate values. The values of these profiles are saved in the GraphicWorldObject format at a special position as so called Special BYtes. The profiles can also be edited, an editor is available from the menubar of the main application. Additionally, a second world can be compared with the currently loaded one. The special properties can be written to the GWO format only.
The special properties are stored in a special format, called SBY. The editor for the profiles has fields for the basic values such as float. Each 3D-Object can be assigned to one profile.
Final notes
Although this project is not under active developement, it can be used as a base for an object-orientied 3D file format. Also, the Wavefront parser might be useful for other projects.
© 2017 mhahnFr