
Blast search for multiple fastq files at a time

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I have hundreds of fastq files and each file contains multiple sequences. Most of the sequences are DNA extracted from vertebrate bloods. With rBlast, I wonder how I can do a blast search for all these files at once and export blast results including percentage identity, coverage, species ID? Is a database of vertebrate sequences needed as the reference for query?

Thank you,



you will need a database. You can write a simple loop in R that loads a sequence at a time and blasts it. Depending on how good your R knowledge is, you might want to ask someone for help with writing the code.


Hi Michael,

Thank you for getting back to me promptly. I wonder if you know any database that contains mammals and birds that I can download and use as my reference for local BLAST retrieval. I am not that good at R, can you provide some R-script examples of the simple loop that automatically load and blast a sequence?


I only worked with bacteria. I do not have R-script examples. You may want to hire someone. It should be straight forward.
