
Terratest is a Go library that makes it easier to write automated tests for your infrastructure code.

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Terratest is a Go library that makes it easier to write automated tests for your infrastructure code. It provides a variety of helper functions and patterns for common infrastructure testing tasks, including:

  • Testing Terraform code
  • Testing Packer templates
  • Testing Docker images
  • Executing commands on servers over SSH
  • Working with AWS APIs
  • Making HTTP requests
  • Running shell commands
  • And much more

Terratest was developed at Gruntwork to help maintain the Infrastructure as Code Library, which contains over 250,000 lines of code written in Terraform, Go, Python, and Bash, and is used in production by hundreds of companies.


The basic usage pattern for writing automated tests with Terratest is to:

  1. Write tests using Go's built-in package testing: you create a file ending in _test.go and run tests with the go test command.
  2. Use Terratest to execute your real IaC tools (e.g., Terraform, Packer, etc.) to deploy real infrastructure (e.g., servers) in a real environment (e.g., AWS).
  3. Validate that the infrastructure works correctly in that environment by making HTTP requests, API calls, SSH connections, etc.
  4. Undeploy everything at the end of the test.

Here's a simple example of how to test some Terraform code:

terraformOptions := &terraform.Options {
  // The path to where your Terraform code is located
  TerraformDir: "../examples/terraform-basic-example",

// This will run `terraform init` and `terraform apply` and fail the test if there are any errors
terraform.InitAndApply(t, terraformOptions)

// At the end of the test, run `terraform destroy` to clean up any resources that were created
defer terraform.Destroy(t, terraformOptions)

// Validate your code works as expected
validateServerIsWorking(t, terraformOptions)


Prerequisite: install Go.

To add Terratest to your projects, we recommend using a Go dependency manager such as dep:

dep ensure -add github.com/gruntwork-io/terratest

Alternatively, you can use go get:

go get github.com/gruntwork-io/terratest


The best way to learn how to use Terratest is through examples.

First, check out the examples folder for different types of infrastructure code you may want to test, such as:

  1. Basic Terraform Example: A simple "Hello, World" Terraform configuration.
  2. HTTP Terraform Example: A more complicated Terraform configuration that deploys a simple web server that responds to HTTP requests in AWS.
  3. Basic Packer Example: A simple Packer template for building an Amazon Machine Image (AMI).
  4. Terraform Packer Example: A more complicated example that shows how to use Packer to build an AMI with a web server installed and deploy that AMI in AWS using Terraform.

Next, head over to the test folder to see how you can use Terraform to test each of these examples:

  1. terraform_basic_example_test.go: Use Terratest to run terraform apply on the Basic Terraform Example and verify you get the expected outputs.
  2. terraform_http_example_test.go: Use Terratest to run terraform apply on the HTTP Terraform Example to deploy the web server, make HTTP requests to the web server to check that it is working correctly, and run terraform destroy to undeploy the web server.
  3. packer_basic_example_test.go: Use Terratest to run packer build to build an AMI and then use the AWS APIs to delete that AMI.
  4. terraform_packer_example_test.go: Use Terratest to run packer build to build an AMI with a web server installed, deploy that AMI in AWS by running terraform apply, make HTTP requests to the web server to check that it is working correctly, and run terraform destroy to undeploy the web server.

Finally, to see some real-world examples of Terratest in action, check out some of our open source infrastructure modules:

  1. Consul
  2. Vault
  3. Nomad

Package by package overview

Now that you've had a chance to browse the examples and their tests, here's an overview of the packages you'll find in Terratest's modules folder and how they can help you test different types infrastructure:

Package Description
aws Functions that make it easier to work with the AWS APIs. Examples: find an EC2 Instance by tag, get the IPs of EC2 Instances in an ASG, create an EC2 KeyPair, look up a VPC ID.
collections Go doesn't have much of a collections library built-in, so this package has a few helper methods for working with lists and maps. Examples: subtract two lists from each other.
docker Functions that make it easier to work with Docker and Docker Compose. Examples: run docker-compose commands.
files Functions for manipulating files and folders. Examples: check if a file exists, copy a folder and all of its contents.
git Functions for working with Git. Examples: get the name of the current Git branch.
http-helper Functions for making HTTP requests. Examples: make an HTTP request to a URL and check the status code and body contain the expected values, run a simple HTTP server locally.
logger A replacement for Go's t.Log and t.Logf that writes the logs to stdout immediately, rather than buffering them until the very end of the test. This makes debugging and iterating easier.
packer Functions for working with Packer. Examples: run a Packer build and return the ID of the artifact that was created.
random Functions for generating random data. Examples: generate a unique ID that can be used to namespace resources so multiple tests running in parallel don't clash.
retry Functions for retrying actions. Examples: retry a function up to a maximum number of retries, retry a function until a stop function is called, wait up to a certain timeout for a function to complete. These are especially useful when working with distributed systems and eventual consistency.
shell Functions to run shell commands. Examples: run a shell command and return its stdout and stderr.
ssh Functions to SSH to servers. Examples: SSH to a server, execute a command, and return stdout and stderr.
terraform Functions for working with Terraform. Examples: run terraform init, terraform apply, terraform destroy.
test_structure Functions for structuring your tests to speed up local iteration. Examples: break up your tests into stages so that any stage can be skipped by setting an environment variable.

Testing best practices

Testing infrastructure as code (IaC) is hard. With general purpose programming languages (e.g., Java, Python, Ruby), you have a "localhost" environment where you can run and test the code before you commit. You can also isolate parts of your code from external dependencies to create fast, reliable unit tests. With IaC, neither of these advantages is typically available, as there isn't a "localhost" equivalent for most IaC code (e.g., I can't use Terraform to deploy an AWS VPC on my own laptop) and there's no way to isolate your code from the outside world (i.e., the whole point of a tool like Terraform is to make calls to AWS, so if you remove AWS, there's nothing left).

That means that most of the tests are going to be integration tests that deploy into a real AWS account. This makes the tests effective at catching real-world bugs, but it also makes them much slower and more brittle. In this section, we'll outline some best practices to minimize the downsides of this sort of testing.

  1. Test environment
  2. Namespacing
  3. Cleanup
  4. Timeouts and logging
  5. Error handling
  6. Iterating locally using Docker
  7. Iterating locally using test stages

Testing environment

Since most automated tests written with Terratest can make potentially destructive changes in your environment, we strongly recommend running tests in an environment that is totally separate from production. For example, if you are testing infrastructure code for AWS, you should run your tests in a completely separate AWS account.

This means that you will have to write your infrastructure code in such a way that you can plug in (dependency injection environment-specific details, such as account IDs, domain names, IP addresses, etc. Adding support for this will typically make your code cleaner and more flexible.


Just about all resources your tests create (e.g., servers, load balancers, machine images) should be "namespaced" with a unique name to ensure that:

  1. You don't accidentally overwrite any "production" resources in that environment (though as mentioned in the previous section, your test environment should be completely isolated from prod anyway).
  2. You don't accidentally clash with other tests running in parallel.

For example, when deploying AWS infrastructure with Terraform, that typically means exposing variables that allow you to configure auto scaling group names, security group names, IAM role names, and any other names that must be unique.

You can use Terratest's random.UniqueId() function to generate identifiers that are short enough to use in resource names (just 6 characters) but random enough to make it unlikely that you'll have a conflict.

uniqueId := random.UniqueId()
instanceName := fmt.Sprintf("terratest-http-example-%s", uniqueId)

terraformOptions := &terraform.Options {
  TerraformDir: "../examples/terraform-http-example",
  Vars: map[string]interface{} {
    "instance_name": instanceName,

terraform.Apply(t, terraformOptions)


Since automated tests with Terratest deploy real resources into real environments, you'll want to make sure your tests always cleanup after themselves so you don't leave a bunch of resources lying around. Typically, you should use Go's defer keyword to ensure that the cleanup code always runs, even if the test hits an error along the way.

For example, if your test runs terraform apply, you should run terraform destroy at the end to clean up:

// Deploy
terraform.Apply(t, options)

// Ensure cleanup always runs
defer terraform.Destroy(t, options)

// Validate
checkServerWorks(t, options)

Of course, despite your best efforts, occasionally cleanup will fail, perhaps due to the CI server going down, or a bug in your code, or a temporary network outage. To handle those cases, we run a tool called cloud-nuke in our test AWS account on a nightly basis to clean up any leftover resources.

Timeouts and logging

Go's package testing has a default timeout of 10 minutes, after which it forcibly kills your tests (even your cleanup code won't run!). It's not uncommon for infrastructure tests to take longer than 10 minutes, so you'll want to increase this timeout:

go test -timeout 30m

Note that many CI systems will also kill your tests if they don't see any log output for a certain period of time (e.g., 10 minutes in CircleCI). If you use Go's t.Log and t.Logf for logging in your tests, you'll find that these functions buffer all log output until the very end of the test (see golang/go#24929 for more info). If you have a long-running test, this might mean you get no log output for more than 10 minutes, and the CI system will shut down your tests. Moreover, if your test has a bug that causes it to hang, you won't see any log output at all to help you debug it.

Therefore, we recommend instead using Terratest's logger.Log and logger.Logf functions, which log to stdout immediately:

func TestFoo(t *testing.T) {
  logger.Log(t, "This will show up in stdout immediately")

Finally, if you're testing multiple Go packages, be aware that Go will buffer log output—even that sent directly to stdout by logger.Log and logger.Logf—until all the tests in the package are done. This leads to the same difficulties with CI servers and debugging. The workaround is to tell Go to test each package sequentially using the -p 1 flag:

go test -timeout 30m -p 1 ./...

Error handling

Just about every method foo in Terratest comes in two versions: foo and fooE (e.g., terraform.Apply and terraform.ApplyE).

  • foo: The base method takes a t *testing.T as an argument. If the method hits any errors, it calls t.Fatal to fail the test.

  • fooE: Methods that end with the capital letter E always return an error as the last argument and never call t.Fatal themselves. This allows you to decide how to handle errors.

You will use the base method name most of the time, as it allows you to keep your code more concise by avoiding if err != nil checks all over the place:

terraform.Init(t, terraformOptions)
terraform.Apply(t, terraformOptions)
url := terraform.Output(t, terraformOptions, "url")

In the code above, if Init, Apply, or Output hits an error, the method will call t.Fatal and fail the test immediately, which is typically the behavior you want. However, if you are expecting an error and don't want it to cause a test failure, use the method name that ends with a capital E:

if _, err := terraform.InitE(t, terraformOptions); err != nil {
  // Do something with err

if _, err := terraform.ApplyE(t, terraformOptions); err != nil {
  // Do something with err

url, err := terraform.OutputE(t, terraformOptions, "url")
if err != nil {
  // Do something with err

As you can see, the code above is more verbose, but gives you more flexibility with how to handle errors.

Iterating locally using Docker

For most infrastructure code, your only option is to deploy into a real environment such as AWS. However, if you're writing scripts (i.e., Bash, Python, or Go), you should be able to test them locally using Docker. Docker containers typically build 10x faster and start 100x faster than real servers, so using Docker for testing can help you iterate much faster.

Here are some techniques we use with Docker:

  • If your script is used in a Packer template, add a Docker builder to the template so you can create a Docker image from the same code. See the Packer Docker Example for working sample code.

  • We have prebuilt Docker images for major Linux distros that have many important dependencies (e.g., curl, vim, tar, sudo) already installed. See the test-docker-images folder for more details.

  • Create a docker-compose.yml to make it easier to run your Docker image with all the ports, environment variables, and other settings it needs. See the Packer Docker Example for working sample code.

  • With scripts in Docker, you can replace some real-world dependencies with mocks! One way to do this is to create some "mock scripts" and to bind-mount them in docker-compose.yml in a way that replaces the real dependency. For example, if your script calls the aws CLI, you could create a mock script called aws that shows up earlier in the PATH. Using mocks allows you to test 100% locally, without external dependencies such as AWS.

Iterating locally using test stages

Most automated tests written with Terratest consist of multiple "stages", such as:

  1. Build an AMI using Packer
  2. Deploy the AMI using Terraform
  3. Validate that the AMI works as expected
  4. Undeploy the AMI using Terraform

Often, while testing locally, you'll want to re-run some subset of these stages over and over again: for example, you might want to repeatedly run the validation step while you work out the kinks. Having to run all of these stages each time you change a single line of code can be very slow.

This is where Terratest's test_structure package comes in handy: it allows you to explicitly break up your tests into stages and to be able to disable any one of those stages simply by setting an environment variable. Check out the terraform_packer_example_test.go for working sample code.

Developing Terratest

  1. Contributing
  2. Running tests
  3. Versioning


Contributions are very welcome! Check out the Contribution Guidelines for instructions.

Running tests

Terratest itself includes a number of automated tests.

Note #1: Some of these tests create real resources in an AWS account. That means they cost money to run, especially if you don't clean up after yourself. Please be considerate of the resources you create and take extra care to clean everything up when you're done!

Note #2: In order to run tests that access your AWS account, you will need to configure your AWS CLI credentials. For example, you could set the credentials as the environment variables AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY.

Note #3: Never hit CTRL + C or cancel a build once tests are running or the cleanup tasks won't run!

Prerequisite: Most the tests expect Terraform, Packer, and/or Docker to already be installed and in your PATH.

To run all the tests:

go test -timeout 30m -p 1 ./...

To run the tests in a specific folder:

go test -timeout 30m

To run a specific test in a specific folder:

go test -timeout30m -run "<TEST_NAME>"


This repo follows the principles of Semantic Versioning. You can find each new release, along with the changelog, in the Releases Page.

During initial development, the major version will be 0 (e.g., 0.x.y), which indicates the code does not yet have a stable API. Once we hit 1.0.0, we will make every effort to maintain a backwards compatible API and use the MAJOR, MINOR, and PATCH versions on each release to indicate any incompatibilities.


This code is released under the Apache 2.0 License. Please see LICENSE and NOTICE for more details.

Copyright © 2018 Gruntwork, Inc.