Newton MA School Desire Line Map
This map shows shortest-path pedestian desire lines from Newton, Massachusetts residential addresses to their assigned elementary, middle, and high schools.
Data comes from OpenStreetMap (OSM) walking routes and Newton GIS.
Orange lines are streets that are part of routes between homes and schools. The thickness of the lines indicates the number of residences using this route as a shortest path.
Blue circles are intersections. The size of each circle indicates how many routes cross through the intersection.
Mousing over a line segment or a blue circle will show an "activity" number, which approximates a daily route count for that location. Activity numbers should be considered relative to each other and will not reflect actual trip numbers.
Buffer zones between schools, where some addresses go to one school and some to another, include both routes.
Routes are limited by length, depending on mode of travel:
- Walk:
- Elementary Schools: 0.75 miles or 1.2 km
- Middle Schools: 1 mile or 1.6 km
- High Schools: 1.25 miles or 2km
- Walk and Bike:
- Elementary Schools: 1 mile or 1.6 km
- Middle Schools: 2.5 miles or 4 km
- High Schools 3.5 miles or 5.6 km
- Walk:
If distance circles are turned on, they show distances of 0.5 miles and 1 mile from the school.
This map only represents potential routes and desire lines. It includes no information about where students actually live, or whether particular streets are good for walking or biking.
In particular, the map does not necessarily show safe routes. It does not take into account crosswalks, crossing guards, the existence of sidewalks, or universal accessibility. For off-road paths, it does not account for snow clearance in winter.
Residences in Chestnut Hill may not be correctly represented.
Apartment and other multi-family dwellings are generally treated as single addresses. This is a limitation of Newton's GIS data.
Additional entrances to schools may not be shown correctly on the map. Please report any additional access points to (m @ so they can be added to the map.