
Primary LanguageJavaScript


A food oriented e-commerce application built on React, Express, and PostgreSQL.

"Screenshot of the homepage, display size < 1024px"

Project Concept

With Foodbox, we're trying to modernize the concept of the world's oldest meal delivery system. Inspired by the Dabbiwallas of Bombay, FoodBox aim to create a medium for talented home cooks to share their lovingly prepared meals with food lovers anywhere.

"Screenshot of the payment screen, display size < 1024px"

A customer can review their orer at the payment screen.

"Screenshot of the admin product page, display size < 1024px"

Order confirmed!

"Screenshot of the order onfirmation screen, display size < 1024px"

Home cook's have extra options including a palce to review and change their menu options.

"Screenshot of the admin product page, display size < 1024px"

Created as a final project while at Lighthouse labs.

The FoodBox team is:


Follow these steps in order to get FoodBox running!

  1. Navigate individually into both the /api and /client subfolders

  2. Install the dependencies in both of these folders using

    $ npm install
  3. You will then need to install the Knex framework globally with

    $ npm install knex -g
  4. Create a new database for the project in PostgreSQL.

  5. Setup .env files in both /api and /client by following their respective .env.example

    • In order to charge payments you will need keys from the Stripe API.

    • You will need a .env file in both the /api and /client subfolders

    • The /client/.env requies a stripe publishable key according to the /client/.env.example.

    • The /api/.env requires a stripe secret key as well as your desired database's info according to the /api/.env.example.

  6. From /api run the knex migrations and seeds

    $ knex migrate:latest
    $ knex seed:run
  7. To start the project, you will need a terminal open in both /api and /client. Starting with /api run

    $ npm start
  8. Welcome to FoodBox!

Stripe Testing

See the stripe documentation for test card numbers you can use.


  • react: ^16.13.1
  • react-bootstrap: ^1.1.0
  • react-dom: ^16.13.1
  • react-geocode: ^0.2.1
  • react-google-maps: ^9.4.5
  • react-router-dom: ^5.2.0
  • react-scripts: 3.4.1
  • @react-google-maps/api: ^1.9.7
  • axios: ^0.19.2
  • node-sass: ^4.14.1
  • Bootstrap: ^4.5.0
  • stripe: ^8.69.0
  • @stripe/react-stripe-js: ^1.1.2
  • @stripe/stripe-js: ^1.8.0
  • body-parser: ^1.19.0
  • cookie-parser: ~1.4.4
  • cors: ^2.8.5
  • dotenv: ^8.2.0
  • express: ~4.16.1
  • knex: ^0.21.1
  • morgan: ~1.9.1
  • pg: ^8.2.1