
db versions

Closed this issue · 7 comments

Which versions of miRBase and miRGeneDB where used to create the provided libraries (

Hi @knokknok

We have used the current version of both miRBase (Release 22) and miRGeneDB (2.1).

Thank you,

Hi again,
I am surprised to see "Hsa-Mir-10-P1a" in my results...
Are you sure v2.0 of miRGeneDB wasn't used?
If so would it be possible to update with v2.1?

Hi @knokknok,

You are right about it. I will check and update with v2.1 soon.

Thank you,

Would you have an ETA?

Hi @knokknok,

I will have to get back to you on this one. Also, it looks like MirGeneDB 2.2 will be released soon. We will contact the authors and get an update. ETA for 2.1 can be around Monday (if everything goes smoothly).

Thank you,

Hi @knokknok,

I have uploaded the MirGeneDB 2.1 file and you can download it as follows:

wget -O human.tar.gz ""

PS: You may notice that, we have picked only miRNAs with V1 extensions off the other variations of miRNAs with V2, V3 and V4 etc, this is because they are slight adjustments around the V1 canonical miRNA and we capture more nucleotides around V1, thus only v1's are retained in the database.

Thank you,

Thanks a lot!