
Issues with counts and adapters

Opened this issue · 1 comments


Thanks with the great pipeline. I have used this previously for 10-20 samples, and it had worked great, but am currently facing issues, when I am trying to use a sample size of 85 samples. I am running it on our HPC and selected a memory allocation of 400G. Initially I faced issues with running all the samples together, because of out of memory errors. But I figured out that with running one sample at a time in batch (code attached; mirAnalysis.txt). The miRNA sequencing core provided us with the information regarding the adapters.
• AACTGTAGGCACCATCAAT (19 base Qiagen adapter)
• NNNNNNNNNNNN (12 base random sequence for UMI)
• GAGCCAAGTT (example of i7 index sequence)
I use the adapter information for trimminh as you would see in the script attached.

Here I face 2 issues:

  1. No read counts registered for the miRNAs: None of the miRNAs report any read counts in the counts.csv files in the result. A subset of the fastq file with 2000 reads (pass.txt), out (miRNAAnalysis_287513_0.out.txt) and the error files (miRNAAnalysis_287513_0.err.txt) are attached.
  2. Error Cannot set a DataFrame with multiple columns to the single column miRNA_cbind: For the same run, some of the fastq files fail wit this error. Fastq file with 2000 reads (fail.txt), error(miRNAAnalysis_287513_1.err.txt) and out(miRNAAnalysis_287513_1.out.txt)

Please let me know if you need any additional information, and thanks again for this nice tool.



Hi @VilainLab,

Thank you, I find a small error in the command used, as the 3' adapter specified should have been AACTGTAGGCACCATCAAT, we have a documentation for the Qiagen based UMI below, please let us know if you find miRNA hits after trying this example.

Also, all other errors should be resolved with the currect specification of adapter at 3' end. Do let us know if the errors still persists. (Correction: This is Qiagen adapter AGATCGGAAGAGCACACGTCTGAACTCCAGTCAC, Illumina is TGGAATTCTCGGGTGCCAAGGAACTCCAG.... details here)

Thank you,