
Generate interactive maps of roadtrips

Primary LanguagePython

This repo will generate interactive maps of roadtrips.

It was originally developed for my 2018 roadtrip around the USA. It was slightly generalized for a roadtrip around New Zealand.


Powered by Folium.

Intended for integration into my personal website: https://github.com/mhalverson/website


  • virtualenv env to create a virtualenv named env that will hold our dependencies in a sandbox
  • . env/bin/activate to activate the virtualenv
  • pip install -r requirements.txt to install (most) of the requirements into the virtualenv
  • git clone https://github.com/python-visualization/folium.git to download the latest version of folium to local
  • cd ./folium; pip install --user -e .; cd .. to install the necessary development version of folium into our virtualenv
  • cd roadtrip/usa; git clone https://github.com/nationalparkservice/data.git; cd ../.. to download the national park and national monument boundaries
  • Check that we have the right folium version installed: python -c 'import folium; print folium.__version__' should be >= 0.5.0+147.gcb3987a


  • jupyter notebook usa.ipynb to start a Jupyter Notebook server
  • PYTHONPATH=. python roadtrip/usa/main.py to export the map and summary data to files on disk