Private Mozilla deepspeech recognition and training backend

The goal of this project is to provide a private API for recognition, and a way of collecting training materials for improving your deepspeech model. Over time you will have built up both a private dataset which you can use at any point to rebase your training on a different starting model, or iteratively improved your existing model.

there are two ways of building up your training dataset.

  • Use a pre-existing deepspeech model to perform recognition, and when the recognition is incorrect, submit the corrected sentence.
  • Collect sentences that you wish to read, and then use the donate your voice app on your phone to provide matching audio recordings.

You may ask why is this an API - because you should be able to interact with your private recognition engine from multiple frontends, such as your phone, desktop, or home assistant.

See here For a simple/functional Linux desktop frontend,


The following is a list of debian packages, if you are using a different distribution and you find the corresponding list for your distribution please consider making a pull request with the information.

  • build-essential
  • ffmpeg
  • libmariadb-dev
  • mariadb-server
  • python3.7 or newer
  • python3-dev
  • python3-virtualenv
  • sox