i3 Configuration
- i3 - window manager
- i3status - status bar
- feh - setting bg, also nice image viewer
- pulseaudio - audio managment
- dmenu - Super-P launcher
- pavucontrol - pulseaudio mixer
- alsamixer
- scrot - screenshots
- acpi - for volume infos
- conky - better sys informations
- jq - for parse weather info
- bc - for calculating current brightness level
from xorg
- setxkbmap - setting keyboard layout
##Installation It's as simple as that:
cd ~
git clone https://github.com/giacomos/i3wm-config.git .i3
ln -s .i3/i3status.conf ~/.i3status.conf
ln -s .i3/xinitrc ~/.xinitrc
ln -s .i3/xinitrc ~/.xsession
cd .i3
ln -s config_work_laptop config
Create a new file /usr/share/xsessions/custom.desktop with:
[Desktop Entry]
You should now have a new session option during login, Xsession will load the user's ~/.xsession file