This is a simple weather forecast module for Polybar, you need Weather Icons and Material Icons for this to work properly. Both are available in the AUR:
Look at the example TOML configuration file.
# Register at to get your API key
api_key = "YOUR_API_KEY"
# This is for Montreal, find your city at
# The id will be the last part of the URL
city_id = "6077243"
# Display settings
units = "metric"
display_symbol = "°C"
Run cargo build --release
, the you'll find the binary target/release/polybar-forecast
You can copy the binary anywhere you want, but config.toml
has to be in the same directory.
You can define your new module like this :
type = custom/script
exec = ~/.config/polybar/modules/forecast/polybar-forecast
exec-if = ping -c 1
interval = 600
label-font = 3
Don't forget to add Weather Icons to your config or it won't render correctly :
font-2 = Weather Icons:size=12;0
Then you may add your new weather
module on your bar.