Software Quality Engineer turned DevOps Engineer. I specialize in getting applications cloud-ready and orchestrating seamless migrations to public cloud.
Hamburg, Germany
mhanci92's Following
- ahmetb@linkedin
- aneum
- bitnamiSan Francisco, CA
- cschneider4711Germany
- dockerUnited States of America
- dschuldtHamburg, Germany
- h10r@CAIS-Research
- helm
- jkroepke@cloudeteer
- kelseyhightowerGoogle, Inc
- kihaki
- kubernetes
- marventhiemewebÂhub GmbH
- mattfarina@SUSE @rancher
- mumoshu@surrealdb, @freee, @actions-runner-controller
- tindzkSheffield, United Kingdom
- tomakehurst@wiremock-inc
- ValentinKraftBremen, Germany
- wiremock