This console application template will get you the basics to be up and running with the Symfony Console package in no time. This template comes with a default app named "app".
Clone this repository
git clone
Install the dependencies via composer
composer install
Run the tests
vendor/bin/codecept run
Run the app and the test command for yourself
php app test
You can also make the file executable and run it this way
chmod a+x app
./app test
Here are the different way to use the test command in the app
./app test
./app test "User Provided Message"
./app test --caps
./app test "User Provided Message" --caps
### Add your own code
The src directory is set up for PSR-4 autoloading. You can begin utilizing this template by adding your application namespace to the src directory, this is where you will add your new commands. You may copy the Acme\TestCommand as a basic example of how to get a command up and running. You will also need to register any new commands you create. You can do this by editing the "app" file.