
A new approach combining both compression-oriented (static) pruning and FLOPS-oriented (dynamic) pruning. Pytorch Implementation.

Primary LanguagePython

A new pruning framework

Many methods have been used in the context of pruning. But they are very often tackling only one aspect of the issue. Some of them try to prune the network in a static way by maintaining a good performance with respect to the worst case. Whereas others have a more dynamic approach by providing a good accuracy in average. Methods that are static oriented tend to focus more on the storage aspect of the compression process. While dynamic methods are more willing to reduce the number of floating point operations. Our method aims at taking advantage of these two aspects. We propose a framework mixing both static pruning and dynamic pruning. The static pruning part is based on the Hessian of the loss function and the study of its eigenvalues in order to find the best way to reduce the size of the network and inspired of EigenDamage: Structured Pruning in the Kronecker-Factored Eigenbasis. In this part, parameters are effectively removed from the network without adding any sparsity, reducing considerably the storage of the parameters in hardware. Dynamic compression is managed thanks to smart switches (gating network) spread evenly all over the network and routing images through a subset of all layers on a per input basis. The switches take advantage of the fact that some images are easier to recognise than others amongst the dataset. In this part we used the paper SkipNet: Learning Dynamic Routing in Convolutional Networks and the corresponding code

Table Results CIFAR-100 & Resnet-32

Methods Accuracy FLOPS (in GFLOPS) Compression
w/o Pruning 78.19% 2.20 0%
w/ Static Pruning only 77.48% 0.51 60%
w/ Static and Dynamic Pruning 77.36% 0.40 60%

Our purpose is to investigate the adding value of the smart switches. To do so, a hard threshold of one percent loss on the accuracy is imposed. Then the results obtained on the one hand with static compression only and on the other hand with both static and dynamic compression are compared under this hard threshold. We investigate more particularly the number of flops and the number of parameters left.



Download CIFAR-100 dataset.

How to run:

  1. Training the overall architecture (with switches)
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python main_sp.py --network resnet \
                                         --depth 32 \
                                         --epochs 200 \
                                         --lr 0.0001 \
                                         --bs 128 \
                                         --num_workers 16 \
                                         --momentum 0.9 \
                                         --weight_decay 0.0005 \
                                         --img_type png \
                                         --resize 32 \
                                         --result_dir /app/results \
                                         --data_dir /usr/share/bind_mount/data/cifar_100

  1. Static Pruning
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python main_prune.py --config_path config.json
  1. Dynamic Pruning
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python main_rl_prune.py --network resnet \
                                               --depth 32 \
                                               --epochs 100 \
                                               --lr 0.001 \
                                               --bs 256 \
                                               --num_workers 16 \
                                               --momentum 0.9 \
                                               --weight_decay 0.0005 \
                                               --img_type png \
                                               --resize 32 \
                                               --result_dir /app/results \
                                               --data_dir /usr/share/bind_mount/data/cifar_100 \
                                               --alpha 0.1 \
                                               --gamma 1 \
                                               --rl_weight 0.1