
Primary LanguageRust


The easiest way to make extensions for Arma 3.



arma-rs = { git = "https://github.com/synixebrett/arma-rs", branch = "master" }

If you will be targeting 32 bit Windows (i686-pc-windows-msvc) place the files from resources/ into the root of your Rust project.


Hello World

use arma_rs::{rv, rv_handler};

fn hello() -> &'static str {
    "Hello from Rust!"

fn init() {}

Functions can easily be created by using the rv attribute. Every extension needs to have a function with the rv_handler attribute. The handler is called when Arma 3 checks the version number of your extension.
If you do not require any init just use an empty function.


fn say_hello(name: String) -> String {
    format!("Hello {}", name)

"myExtension" callExtension ["say_hello", ["Rust"]] => Hello Rust

Any type that implements the trait std::str::FromStr can be used as an argument.
Any type that implements the trait std::str::ToStr can be used as the return type.

fn is_arma3(version: u8) -> bool {
    version == 3


Thread A function can be ran in it's own thread as long as it does not have a return value

fn do_something(){}


#[rv(thread = true)]
fn calculate() {
    //            name    function   data...
    rv_callback!("test", "a_string", "A string sent to Arma");
    rv_callback!("test", "my_event", "An array of", 3, "items");


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.


With arma-rs

use arma_rs::{rv, rv_handler};

fn hello() -> &'static str {
    "Hello from Rust!"

fn is_arma3(version: u8) -> bool {
    version == 3

fn init() {}

Without arma-rs

extern crate libc;
use libc::c_char;
use libc::strncpy;

use std::ffi::CStr;
use std::ffi::CString;

pub unsafe extern "stdcall" fn RvExtensionVersion(output: *mut c_char, output_size: usize) {
  strncpy(output, CString::new(env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION")).unwrap().into_raw(), output_size);

pub unsafe extern "stdcall" fn RVExtension(output: *mut c_char, output_size: usize, function: *mut c_char ) {
  let size = output_size - 1;
  let r_function = CStr::from_ptr(function).to_str().unwrap();
  match r_function {
    "hello" => {
      strncpy(output, CString::new("Hello from Rust!").unwrap().into_raw(), size);
    _ => {
      strncpy(output, CString::new("unknown").unwrap().into_raw(), size);

pub unsafe extern "stdcall" fn RVExtensionArgs(output: *mut c_char, output_size: usize, function: *mut c_char, args: *mut *mut c_char, arg_count: usize) {
  let size = output_size - 1;
  let r_function = CStr::from_ptr(function).to_str().unwrap();
  match r_function {
    "is_arma3" => {
      if arg_count != 1 {
        strncpy(output, CString::new(format!("Unexpected arg count: {}", arg_count)).unwrap().into_raw(), size);
      } else {
        let argv: &[*mut c_char; 1] = std::mem::transmute(args);
        let version = u8::from_str(CStr::from_ptr(argv[0]).to_str().unwrap().replace("\"","")).unwrap();
        strncpy(output, CString::new((version == 3).to_string()).unwrap().into_raw(), size);
    _ => {
      strncpy(output, CString::new("unknown").unwrap().into_raw(), size);