Trapspy - Java - Swift (No longer active)


Cloud sourced report sharing app.

  • Implemented location based photo push notification using firebase cloud function
  • Implemented map with 100s of markers without losing performance
  • Featured in local news
  • Downloaded over 100,000+ time from the pilot city

Video Mockup (Click Image to Watch)

Trapspy - Promo


The app has the following features

  • Active school zone notification
  • Location based push notifications
  • Custom notification settings
  • Google Traffic
  • Pictures with Trap
  • Layers (disable report types from map)
  • Report editing
  • Report spam
  • Improved moderator functions
  • Queued reports (spam protection)
  • Performance improvements
  • Audio alerts

Framework / Tools Used

  1. Firebase
  2. Java
  3. Swift
  4. Location based Push Notification
  5. NodeJS

Willing to build something together?

My Portfolio:


Feel free to fork, open PR or do whatever you wish with this repo at your OWN RISK. PERIOD.

Store Links

Google Play
App Store

Live Demo

Demo 1
Demo 2


The videos of the app are sole property of the app owner, used with permission.