Dissonance (Backend)

This project started out as a brief case study to learn socket.io by creating a simple chat app and then implement those newly learned technologies into my other project, Insta-sham. However after spending sometime with this, it expanded a bit beyond its inital scope and became a testbed to learn alternatives for implementing authentication, form logic, and CSS in JS. In my previous project, referenced above, I created all of those, for all intents and purposes, from the ground up. This time, I learned why it is commonly said not to reinvent the wheel.

This project does have a frontend hosted, the repo can be found here. It does not have persistant storage, no database is used. Chat data is stored via express and user data via local storage. This project could be expanded to allow user creation of accounts, servers, rooms, etc. However, I felt that to be redudant for my learning purposes, but could see it used as a great springboard for someone looking to learn a DB technology.


Client: https://chatapp-fe-eta.vercel.app/

Tech Stack

Client: React, NextJS, Next-Auth, React-hook-form, Socket.io-Client, ChakraUI, React-Icons, React-Swipeable

Server: Node, Express, Socket.io-Server


  • Change rooms, and send messages
  • Light/dark mode toggle
  • User persistance, both live connections to room and logged in users to server
  • Responsive, both mobile and desktop versions.

Run Locally

Clone the project

  git clone https://github.com/mhaslinsky/chatappFE

Go to the project directory

  cd my-project

Install dependencies

  npm install

Start the server

  npm run dev

Console should confirm your socket.io server is running on the port set in your environment variables

Environment Variables

To run this project, you will need to add the following environment variable to your .env file

PORT the port you would like your socket.io server to run on
