
Simple HTTP client using Typheous, derived from the Riak client

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Simple HTTP client using Typheous, derived from the Riak client


It works for us, handles a large number operations a day. It hasn't been polished for the public yet. I wanted to get it up on RubyGems quickly: I was fighting the consquences of Ruby's global mutable namespaces combined with the unfortunate choice of naming our library Http and suddenly fighting with http_parser.rb for class Http vs module Http.


  • Coda Hale
  • Benjamin Kudria
  • Brian Morton
  • Jordi Bunster
  • Matthew Knopp
  • Mohammed Rafiq
  • Ryan Kennedy
  • Vidit Drolia
  • Vivek Aggarwal


Deploying to RubyGems

  1. Bump version in VERSION and zephyr.gemspec.
  2. Run bundle to update gem in Gemfile.lock.
  3. Commit changes with version update.
  4. Tag the release
  • git tag -a v1.x.x
    • git push --tags
  1. Build the gem: gem build zephyr.gemspec
  2. Push to rubygems: gem push zephyr-1.2.2.gem