
Supervised dataset of IF walkthroughs for commonsense reasoning.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

IF Walkthrough Dataset

Dataset Organization

  • data.json: The main dataset file containing a list of examples.
  • saves/: Directory containing pickled save files, one per example.
  • example_usage.py: Contains example implementations of the tasks outlined below.
  • build_dataset.py: Code used to create the dataset.


    "rom": "zork1",
    "walkthrough_act": "Open window",
    "walkthrough_diff": "((), ((235, 11),), ())",
    "obs": "Behind House\nYou are behind the white house. A path leads into the forest to the east. In one corner of the house there is a small window which is slightly ajar.\n\n",
    "loc_desc": "Behind House\nYou are behind the white house. A path leads into the forest to the east. In one corner of the house there is a small window which is slightly ajar.\n\n",
    "inv_desc": "You are carrying:\n  A jewel-encrusted egg\n\n",
    "inv_objs": {
      "The jewel encrusted egg is closed.": [
    "location": {
      "name": "Behind House",
      "num": 79
    "surrounding_objs": {
      "The window is slightly ajar, but not enough to allow entry.": [
      "The house is a beautiful colonial house which is painted white. It is clear that the owners must have been extremely wealthy.": [
      "There's nothing special about the way.": [
    "state": "saves/f461488f-3085-4f5a-ac2f-bd424561e8c6.pkl",
    "valid_acts": {
      "((), ((235, 11),), ())": "open small",
      "(((86, 4),), (), ())": "take on egg",
      "(((87, 79),), (), ())": "put down egg",
      "(((4, 80),), ((80, 3),), ())": "south",
      "(((87, 79), (86, 79)), (), ())": "throw egg at small",
      "(((4, 81),), (), ())": "north",
      "(((4, 74),), ((74, 3),), ())": "east"
    "prev_graph": [
        "jewel-encrusted egg"
        "North House",
        "Forest Path"
        "North House"
        "golden clockwork canary",
        "jewel-encrusted egg"
    "graph": [
        "jewel-encrusted egg"
        "Behind House"
        "Behind House",
        "North House"
        "golden clockwork canary",
        "jewel-encrusted egg"
    "graph_diff": [
        "jewel-encrusted egg"
        "Behind House"
        "Behind House",
        "North House"
        "golden clockwork canary",
        "jewel-encrusted egg"
    "score": 5


Each example defines the following fields:

  • rom: Name of the game that generated this example.
  • obs: Narrative text returned by the game as a result of the last action.
  • loc_desc: Text returned by look command from current location.
  • inv_desc: Text returned by inventory command from current step.
  • inv_objs: Dictionary of {obj_description : [obj_names]} containing detected objects in the player's inventory.
  • surrounding_objs: Dictionary of {obj_description : [obj_names]} containing detected objects in the player's immediate surroundings.
  • score: Current game score at this step.
  • location: Name and number for the world-object corresponding to the player's current location.
  • state: Path to pickle file containing saved game state.
  • walkthrough_act: Action taken by the walkthrough from the current state.
  • walkthrough_diff: world_diff corresponding to taking the walkthrough action.
  • valid_acts: list of world_diff : action_str. The important part here is the world_diff since there are many action strings that can result in the same world diff.
  • prev_graph: list of lists of subject, relation, object of knowledge graph for previous step
  • graph: list of lists of subject, relation, object of knowledge graph for current step
  • graph_diff: set difference between previous and current knowledge graphs

Possible Tasks (a partial list...)

  • Predict walkthrough actions: Predict the walkthrough_act for a given example.
  • Predict examinable objects: Given the observation/inventory description, attempt to predict the set of objects that are present. Ground truth given by surrounding_objs and inv_objs respectively.
  • Predict valid actions: Given a model can we predict some/all of the valid actions? Ground truth given by world-diffs in valid_acts.