How Does One Use This?

What Does This Do?

A whole BOATLOAD of goodies, including:

  • Friendly DNS entries brought to you by Route53
  • An RDS
  • A VPC, with security groups
  • A whole mess of s3 buckets (5 in total - for all your storage needs)
  • An amazing NAT Box
  • An IAM User

Looking to setup a different IAAS

We have have other terraform templates to help you!

This list will be updated when more infrastructures come along.


go get -u


You can choose whether you would like an RDS or not. By default we have rds_instance_count set to 1 but setting it to zero will skip RDS deployment.

RDS instances take FOREVER to deploy, keep that in mind.


  • env_name: (required) An arbitrary unique name for namespacing resources
  • access_key (required) Your Amazon access_key, used for deployment
  • secret_key: (require) You Amazon secret_key, also used for deployment
  • public_key: (require) Public key to be added to your AWS list of key_pairs
  • region: (required) Region you want to deploy your resources to
  • availability_zones: (required) List of AZs you want to deploy to
  • rds_db_username: (default: admin) Username for RDS authentication
  • rds_instance_class: (default: db.m3.large) Size of the RDS to deploy
  • rds_instance_count: (default: 0) Whether or not you would like an RDS for your deployment
  • parent_hosted_zone_id: (default: "") Optionally associate generated hosted zone with provided zone id
  • dns_suffix: (required) Domain to add environment subdomain to


Standing up environment

terraform apply \
  -var "env_name=durian" \
  -var "access_key=access-key-id" \
  -var "secret_key=secret-access-key" \
  -var "public_key=ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQD3F6tyPEFEzV" \
  -var "region=us-west-1" \
  -var "availability_zones=[\"us-west-1a\", \"us-west-1b\"] \
  -var "rds_instance_count=1" \
  -var ""

Tearing down environment

terraform destroy \
  -var "env_name=durian" \
  -var "access_key=access-key-id" \
  -var "secret_key=secret-access-key" \
  -var "public_key=ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQD3F6tyPEFEzV" \
  -var "region=us-west-1" \
  -var "availability_zones=[\"us-west-1a\", \"us-west-1b\"] \
  -var "rds_instance_count=1" \
  -var ""