Sparsity-promoting Kernel Dynamic Mode Decomposition for Nonlinear Dynamical Systems

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Sparsity-promoting Kernel Dynamic Mode Decomposition


  • Why throwing everything in a neural network?
    • neural network approach for finding Koopman operators could suffer from bad minimizers, time consuming (requires an unknown number of GPU training hours), which are all resulted from the non-convex optimization nature
  • Why not using classical convex methods?
    • classical nonlinear Koopman analysis method (e.g., EDMD, KDMD) suffers from having hundreds to thousands of approximated Koopman triplets.
    • How to choose an accurate and informative Koopman invariant subspace in Extended/Kernel DMD?
  • Not every nonlinear dynamical system requires a neural network to search for Koopman operator
    • we resolve the issue of classical methods by rethinking modes selection in EDMD/KDMD as a multi-task learning problem
    • demonstration on several strongly transient flows shows the effectiveness of the algorithm for providing an accurate reduced-order-model (ROM)



  • python3
  • scipy
  • numpy
  • scikit-learn
  • pyDOE
  • mpi4py

Example: 2D cylinder flow past cylinder

  • go to EXAMPLE/cylinder_re100 folder

  • run a standard KDMD

    • python3 example_20d_cyd.py
  • perform multi-task learning mode selection

    • note that in run_apo_cyd_ekdmd.py, themax_iter = 1e5 iis a safe choice for getting accurate result, one can choose max_iter=1e3 to just get a try of the algorithm
    • python3 run_apo_cyd_ekdmd.py
  • postprocessing the result of multi-task learning

    • python3 pps_cyd.py
  • Note: that the data is top 20 POD coefficients with mean-subtracted.

Selection of hyperparameter

  • go to EXAMPLE/cylinder_re100/hyp
  • run parallem hyperparameter selection
    • python3 cv_kdmd_hyp_20d_cyd.py
  • then collecting the result and draw the figure by
    • python3 print.py
  • the resulting figure result-num.png is a good refernce of choosing hyperparameter