
utility tools for InMon sFlow Toolkit

Primary LanguagePerlMIT LicenseMIT


"sFlowToolParser.pl" is a perl script for the InMon sFlowToolkit(http://www.inmon.com/technology/sflowTools.php). It converts the sflowtool output format into a SSV-CSV- format which is more detailed than the default line-by-line format.

How to use:

$ ./sflowtool | perl sFlowToolParser.pl CNTR 1379398601 0:2 COUNTERSSAMPLE 34 0:2 0 0 2 6 100000000 1 3 31689 363 20 11 0 0 0 49078 611 0 0 0 0 1 L2 1379398603 0:2 35 1 1 512 1021 0 2 1073741823 HEADER 1 102 98 00a0de154fb5 000c2952a44a 0 L3 1379398603 0:2 35 1 1 512 1021 0 2 1073741823 HEADER 1 102 98 00a0de154fb5 000c2952a44a 0 6 111 43761

Output Format:

  1. COUNTER SAMPLE format: (1)CNTR (2)unixSecondsUTC (3)agent (4)sampleType_tag (5)sampleType (6)sampleSequenceNo (7)sourceId (8)statsSamplingInterval (9)counterBlockVersion (10)ifIndex (11)networkType (12)ifSpeed (13)ifDirection (14)ifStatus (15)ifInOctets (16)ifInUcastPkts (17)ifInMulticastPkts (18)ifInBroadcastPkts (19)ifInDiscards (20)ifInErrors (21)ifInUnknownProtos (22)ifOutOctets (23)ifOutUcastPkts (24)ifOutMulticastPkts (25)ifOutBroadcastPkts (26)ifOutDiscards (27)ifOutErrors (28)ifPromiscuousMode

example: $ ./sflowtool | perl sFlowToolParser.pl | grep CNTR | awk -F',' '$3==""&&$7=="0:2"{print "rrdtool update traffic.rrd "$2":"$15":"$22}

  1. FLOW SAMPLE Format(L2): (1)L2 (2)unixSecondsUTC (3)agent (4)sourceId (5)packetSequenceNo (6)sampleSequenceNo (7)samplesInPacket (8)meanSkipCount (9)samplePool (10)dropEvents (11)inputPort (12)outputPort (13)flowSampleType (14)headerProtocol (15)sampledPacketSize (16)headerLen (17)srcMAC (18)dstMAC (19)decodedVLAN

  2. FLOW SAMPLE Format(L3): (1)L3 (2)unixSecondsUTC (3)agent (4)sourceId (5)packetSequenceNo (6)sampleSequenceNo (7)samplesInPacket (8)meanSkipCount (9)samplePool (10)dropEvents (11)inputPort (12)outputPort (13)flowSampleType (14)headerProtocol (15)sampledPacketSize (16)headerLen (17)srcMAC (18)dstMAC (19)decodedVLAN (20)IPProtocol (21)src (22)dst (23)srcP (24)dstP