Project: Deploy Azure Databricks VNET injected workspace using Customer Managed Keys

Project Description: This project will deploy a Databricks Workspace within Azure with Databricks File System Customer Managed Keys enabled.

Project Organization

    ├──                               <- README file
    ├── LICENSE                                 <- the LICENSE
    └── terraform                               <- Terraform config files 
        ├── environment        
        │   └── test                            <- test environment folder, holds the Terraform state
        └── modules            
            ├── resource_group                  <- Terraform config file to add resource group for the Databricks workspace and VNET
            ├── keyvault                        <- Terraform config file to add Azure Key Vault
            ├── databricks_ws                   <- Terraform config file to add Databricks Workspace
            ├── securitygroups                  <- Terraform config file to add security groups to the subnets
            └── network                         <- Terraform config file to add VNET for the Databricks injected workspace

Getting started


Clone the repository locally:

git clone

and go into the repository and navigate to the terraform environment folder:

cd  azure-databricks-managed-services-cmk-deployment/terraform/environment/test/

Set environment variables

The project prefix is used to name all the resources.

 export TF_VAR_project_name="<project prefix>"

Init, Apply, and Plan, to deploy resources using Terraform

Run the Terraform init, plan, and apply commands to deploy the resources to build the Azure infrastructure:

./terraform init

./terraform plan

./terraform apply