Install Python3.4 on Ubuntu-16.04

The last version of python is bundled with ubuntu 16.04. But at this time there are some famous packages incompatible with version 3.5. There is no guaranty but By Following this instruction you almost certainly can build and use the python version 3.4 on ubuntu16.04.Before start I give my thanks to for its great step by step guide, but I do some edition on it. So let to do:

Install Required Packages

  • Install some packages from launchpad:
    • $ sudo apt-get install build-essential checkinstall
    • $ sudo apt-get install libreadline-gplv2-dev libncursesw5-dev libssl-dev libsqlite3-dev tk-dev libgdbm-dev libc6-dev libbz2-dev
    • $ sudo apt-get install libssl-dev openssl
    • $ sudo apt install lzma lzma-dev liblzma-dev Python 3.4.5 - according to @ilya-khaustov Contribution

Download and extract Python Source Code


Pay attention to altinstall :

  • $ cd Python-3.4.4
  • $ sudo sudo ./configure --prefix=/opt/python3.4 --with-zlib-dir=/usr/local/lib/ --with-ensurepip=install
  • $ sudo make altinstall

With using the altinstall switch you are sure that the previous installed version(s) of python is not affected or damaged.

Check the Python Version (Installation test)

  • $ python3.4 -V

If all is done correctly you see Python 3.4.4. But if you don't, the next steps should be helpful.

Make shortcut from Python executable binary

If you done this instruction without any changes your 3.4 executable binary has been placed in /opt/python3.4 in nautilus right click on python3.4 executable and select make link. The new shortcut created. Copy this shortcut to /usr/bin and go to previous step

Make pip3.4 globally accessible

If don't access to the pip3.4 do this:

  • in /usr/bin directory find pip3 file
  • duplicate and name pip3.4, on the first line you see #!/usr/bin/python3
  • change to #!/usr/bin/python3.4 and save. (if you want to skip the previous step use /opt/python3.4 instead)

Any issue ?