2020 Refresh & Update. Below info is subject to change as it is largely deprecated.
New Prod Server under development: Digital Ocean meek-ly-prod-1
- Meek.co
- Credentials
- secrets.yml
- Initial setup of the app
- To make tests run
- Restore DUMP
- FontCustom
- Cache & Prerenderer & Hint
Production: www.meek.co Staging: staging.meek.co
Facebook Production: facebook Facebook Staging: facebook
customer.io: Production | Staging:
- login: dmitriy.vasin@anahoret.com
- password: meekprojcustomer
- dv@anadeainc.com
- password
- johnpaul@meek.co
- 8#SwimFaster
Twitter Api Key
- Consumer key: s6TZ3clltLHhMxP77ZvDFNiwO
- Consumer Secret Key: dubJ3oxrRVibBj7n2JlZ1lRNOGHNtunGTTGDemHjjHphHzDRbd
Facebook For staging and development:
- facebook_key: “1644675302451196”
- facebook_secret: “e2eaa771205d1614ad58544d5b167afe” Facebook share token
- facebook_page: “stagingmeekdev”
- facebook_access_token: “CAAXX0s8sZAZCwBAMqVZBBpZC1y7iULclx0Ud9AF944qRFSi8jvUvcC2fOWiPxk1ZCzM1SIZBp8gPJ2AWVzEBa5v5mn80WZBRBNdsDJqSZC1rZAuknEygMLnVo5ReM2OewnCosr4wjq4IzTwhWQWHJDBqiKPg72Gv9sZByx1EQg9wsc2ulTPGkMOJdS”
For Production:
- facebook_key: “784099628324019”
- facebook_secret: “ea383d0aa8941272699359a0d0966325”
Facebook share token
- facebook_page: “meekgrowth”
- facebook_access_token: “CAALJImvQlLMBALIOuUSOgiZAlCcxC5Kcqyi0zcz9mNungPA0nn9oFqGyICXundNzkeuZC1skhB0jlisK7damon46eAo0KvhuPIkZCsynkTARGr5WvJnLzkG5KXZA4EV31w5cdeHALZAtlgc9qsIpG1fW9t5L1oaTjk26f8FRcbryjbbQtYbPR”
- johnpaul@meek.co
- superdeeduperfastsearch
default: &default
# Devise
devise_secret_key: "5a4bd5134b65ae72b8a49806d4232b01637b0bb2923fa2ead51a603e823888d684f70b62d9514364925f2672328c78fff2a395015ede13f4059d58c33fceccfa"
# Mailchimp
# mailchimp_api_key: "ebdba5914736c6eeb41c5192ecbb7221-us10"
# mailchimp_list_id: "d095931549"
# Mail Sending Credentials:
mail_username: 'xxx'
mail_password: 'xxx'
# customer.io
cio_site_id: 'ab8c6590543c810ba534'
cio_site_key: 'e8f9337099173ee5cd4b'
# Prerender
# PRERENDER_TOKEN_OLD: "3v5q0M7aGxjP3t58xPYa"
prerender_token: "9xpO7QFOsMAzETMVNUHU"
# # Facebook
# facebook_key: "784099628324019"
# facebook_secret: "ea383d0aa8941272699359a0d0966325"
# Twitter
twitter_key: "s6TZ3clltLHhMxP77ZvDFNiwO"
twitter_secret: "dubJ3oxrRVibBj7n2JlZ1lRNOGHNtunGTTGDemHjjHphHzDRbd"
<<: *default
secret_key_base: "67c9bf3d2b2b6bfe01ed95348a43c82e42f0f31cf6711eecd5e09973af70b044b7322cb1c05407b9a612c267efa2d304227896e47f74dfa386d4e4cf002c23e6"
# Database
db_name: "meek_development_pg"
db_username: "dv"
db_password: ""
db_host: "localhost"
db_pool: "10"
# Support email
support_email: 'meek@anahoret.com'
# Facebook
facebook_key: "1644675302451196"
facebook_secret: "e2eaa771205d1614ad58544d5b167afe"
# Facebook share token
facebook_page: "stagingmeekdev"
facebook_access_token: "CAAXX0s8sZAZCwBACePMsYuwwI0qkYuarpC01Xld6qgDkxn6FfpLm1olUU2ZCZChRhuD33B1BxnbdXY8Hz6NaMQjiT9R99KlMapMYVdBCxtSNS5ltBqONZAMxQFKEbUc6CRn96wiGlunOiqW845TTKwrwH93wDMmRnUXvCArfLfTpV9nPZALlhT"
# facebook_page: "meekgrowth"
# facebook_access_token: "EAALJImvQlLMBANRZAGV5c4jShEi4ZCJ8KWxCb07t7LV8ZBgTeu1foSfjaXWkQUvia25ZCQ29swhj4Npfxsgw1jpw4OcMUhFMff3X2gUJ7mh1R8QFZA3BrzJWyhzW4xNZC0cxJveqwE2ZC9NvVp4GtNzed0cusxr6m8ZD"
# Vimeo secrets.
# Client Identifier: "dfdb6d90ad5f07e6e15155e159b6528f8a2c9930"
# Client Secret: "mbQjKljiUgLbMj0w57XGMEnKcZU+WLK1EQVgm4jXvER9PVIjdX4O3Sc6LoyhyaCJiyP1zS1F3brn2KvQLmWLsTc1hfu0FbN37BMbkR74dP4pRVH19CMlGRXByXSkVKJx"
# vimeo_access_code = Get base64 of "client_id + ':' + client_secret"
<<: *default
secret_key_base: "67c9bf3d2b2b6bfe01ed95348a43c82e42f0f31cf6711eecd5e09973af70b044b7322cb1c05407b9a612c267efa2d304227896e47f74dfa386d4e4cf002c23e6"
brew install ffmpeg --with-fdk-aac --with-ffplay --with-freetype --with-frei0r --with-libass --with-libvo-aacenc --with-libvorbis --with-libvpx --with-opencore-amr --with-openjpeg --with-opus --with-rtmpdump --with-schroedinger --with-speex --with-theora --with-tools
NPM modules
npm install
brew install redis
redis-3.0.0 should be installed.
To have launchd start redis at login:
ln -sfv /usr/local/opt/redis/*.plist ~/Library/LaunchAgents
Then to load redis now:
launchctl load ~/Library/LaunchAgents/homebrew.mxcl.redis.plist
Or, if you don’t want/need launchctl, you can just run:
redis-server /usr/local/etc/redis.conf
After that:
$ redis-server —version
=> Redis server v=3.0.0
Check gems versions.
gem list | grep capybara
Should be:
capybara (2.6.2)
capybara-screenshot (1.0.11)
capybara-webkit (1.8.0)
If versions are different – uninstall these gems completely Then:
brew update; brew uninstall qt; brew uninstall qt5
brew install qt5 || brew install qt55 (depends from OS version)
bundle install
production =
pg_dump -Fc -h localhost -U meek meek > dd-mm-yyyy.dump
ssh deploy@[PRODUCTION]
cd /var/www/apps/meek/shared/config
scp deploy@[PRODUCTION]:/var/www/apps/meek/shared/config/dd-mm-yyyy.dump ~/Desktop/
sudo pg_restore —verbose —no-acl —no-owner —clean —jobs 4 -h localhost -U [DB_USERNAME] -d [DB_NAME] ~/Desktop/dd-mm-yyyy.dump
To restore dump u can use rake task:
rake db:dump_recreate['~/Desktop/dd-mm-yyyy.dump']
to use fontcustom
brew install fontforge --with-python
brew install eot-utils
gem install fontcustom
add svg in app/assets/svgs
and run in console:
fontcustom compile app/assets/svgs
We use angular's cache and jbuilder cache ( Please Note that - this is not DB cache )
We use prerenderer.io for SEO purpose, note that prerenderer works only in production mode. Also it has not specified time to recache page.
Prerenderer has API for recache pages
- Is use this API
Problem can exist with such approach when you create new episode and start publishing to FB this episode ( url to this episode ). In this case shared post will be blank - because prerenderer service did not have time to cache page.
Note: To get token you should have admin access to the page.
App ID and App Secret you can find at app dashboard: https://developers.facebook.com/apps/784099628324019/dashboard/
Follow this guide: https://gist.github.com/1v/b9039239c7cad9abf6a20260238e80f2
To check token please visit: https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug/accesstoken/