Blood donation aid through Twitter API v1.1.
This project aims to display tweets based on a pre-defined hashtag and location. By tweeting with #tweetforblood, the home feed updates real-time thanks to the filter option. However, there are some fixes and todos to make this app convenient.
Bower for Bootstrap 3.
Modules installed:
- Express
- Jade
- body-parser
- cookies
- consolidate
- Mongoose (future use)
- redis (future use)
- ip (future use)
- geoip-lite (future use)
#FIXME if looking for contribution:
- Structure of project
#TODO together
- caching tweets in redis with proper periodic updates of the Stream API and REST API.
- add the ability to tweet with location and stream nearby tweets only.
- Chat application with block list stored in MongoDB using mongoose.js.
- connect user with nearby conencted users to chat, using ip, geoip, twitter and redis subscribe and publish.