
Its a custom map with heatmap function or something idk what even heatmap means

Primary LanguageJavaScript


  1. leaflet js https://leafletjs.com/
  2. https://github.com/Leaflet/Leaflet.heat
  3. i've 0 skill and experience for building front-end so please forgive me for the quality

To Do

  1. more dynamic starting point
  2. support any json provider (half way there)

How to use,

  1. clone, npm install
  2. run vscode live server to deploy
  3. you can skip step 1 and 2 and go here directly lol https://mhdfadlyhasan.github.io/custom-map-heat-map-or-something-whatever-i-dont-know-what-i-am-doing/
  4. create a coordinate and value json in https://jsonbin.io/quick-store/
    "lat": -7.282103,
    "lng": 112.747903,
    "value": 1400000
    "lat": -7.282103,
    "lng": 112.767903,
    "value": 2000000
  1. put the Access url on your json the left bottom input
  2. click anywhere on the map the heatmap should be created heatmap that red circle actually is an clickbait, sike