Odoo 12.0 - Technical Training

This repository contains training material for learning Odoo 12. This material is not intended to be self sufficient. It is supposed to be accompanied by a teacher. The training is divided in modules of roughly half a day. It will follow a problem-based learning approach. The learnees will handle ill-structured problems supervised framed by a teacher. That means that each problem has multiple solutions and therefore is not constrained to a single topic. Each module focuses on a given topic but with a similar approach.

Each module provides some reference material, and proposes problems for the learnees to solve on the topic at hand. It is therefore a hands-on, practical approach to the development of Odoo modules. Each module is independent with requirement depending on skills and knowledge that may be learned from previous modules. The problems proposed in those modules have an existing starting situation but that are contextualised around a couple of use cases.


We consciously decided to give a training that will have "less content" with a better learning experience which is to lead the learnees to autonomy in their work with Odoo and acquire long term skills.

True learning is based on discovery guided by mentoring rather than the transmission of knowledge (John Dewey).

The problem-based approach we chose requires the learnees to first start with a problem without pregiven theory to create a better craddle for new skills to be learned. The teacher will be there to coach and guide the learnee through that process without forcing it. Emphasis will be put on interaction with other learnee as they solve the problems.

Practical details

  • The work will be with an odoo.sh environment except for our System administration modules. The odoo.sh environment will be set up with your github account on which you will fork this repository. For the System administration modules, it will be simulated with virtual machines that can be run with Virtual Box on your own machines. The VMs to be ran can be downloaded here for the Odoo System Administration.
  • Per module, which takes around half a day, groups of 2 will be created to solve the problem (2 persons per computer). The groups will be switched after every single module. Not all problem per module have to be solved (it varies on the level of the given group).
  • At the end of a module, debriefing session will be given based on the questions and solutions that came from the process of solving the problems. The learnees will have to verbalize what they have learned with interaction with the rest of the group and feedback from the teacher.
  • In addition to the modules, the learnees will be required to provide 2 questions in the morning about Odoo based on the previous day for discussion in the morning as a way of putting everyone back in the right state ready to attack the next modules.

Introduction presentation

Base Requirements

This training uses Git for its repository, and Github as its platform.

The language Python is a requirement for almost all modules.

The Javascript language is also required for some of the modules.


  1. Models, Fields and Relations
  2. Computed Fields, Onchange and Constraints
  3. Basic Views
  4. Model Inheritance
  5. View Inheritance
  6. Business Flow
  7. Access Rights
  8. Play with the ORM
  9. Reports
  10. Controllers

Advanced Modules

  1. Widget customization
  2. Advanced frontend customization
  3. Creating new views
  4. Testing javascript
  5. Modify Business Flows
  6. Mail Integration
  7. Kanban Views and Dashboards
  8. Various Widgets usage
  9. Performance issues

Odoo System Administration

Possible solutions