
Simple website to fetch a Kansas Citian's trash pick-up day based on their current location

Kansas City trash pick-up day

A simple site using vanilla JS to fetch a user's location from the browser, convert that into an address with Geocodeapi, then use Kansas City's open data APIs to fetch a parcel ID and, finally, use the parcel ID to look up their property's trash pick-up day. It then checks for any holidays in the current week and adjust the pick-up day accordingly (i.e., if there is a holiday this week and it occurs before their normal pick-up day, their pick-up day gets shifted one day later). The user's location data is only used for those API calls and is not stored or sent anywhere else.

In order to run, the website needs a Geocodeapi API key defined at window.GEOCODE_API_KEY. For convenience, the site attempts to load env.js which is a good place to put your API key since it is git-ignored from the repo. Your env.js might look something like this:


If window.GEOCODE_API_KEY is undefiend or otherwise falsey, the site will show a frowny-faced message saying that it is misconfigured. That seemed like a reasonable message to me, since there's only one thing to configure.

Since the whole thing runs browser-side, there isn't really a safe place to store the API key, so there's not a live version of this site anywhere. 🤷🏼‍♂️