
Primary LanguageJavaScript


This package allows you to specify a list of regexes and test inputs against them.

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npm install regex-rules --save


const RegexRules = require("regex-rules");
const r = new RegexRules(
    empty: "^$",
    "more-than-20-chars": "^.{20,}$",
    "contains-link": "http://"
    "empty-or-long": ["empty", "more-than-20-chars"],
    "long-link": [["contains-link", "more-than-20-chars"]]

// You can run individual rules. This can be useful to get a true/false result

// By default, anything provided is an OR e.g.
// The input is empty, or more than 20 characters long
r.evaluateRule("", "empty-or-long")); # true
r.evaluateRule("this-is-really-really-really-long", "empty-or-long")); # true
r.evaluateRule("foo", "empty-or-long")); # false

// If you need an AND, add another array e.g.
// Contains a link AND it's more than 20 characters
r.evaluateRule("http://example-is-long.com", "long-link")); # true
r.evaluateRule("http://foo.com", "long-link"); # false

// You can negate the result too
r.evaluateRule("http://foo.com", "!long-link"); # true

// Alternatively, you can run against all defined rules
# {"empty-or-long": true, "long-link": false}
# {"empty-or-long": true, "long-link": true}


You can make regex matches case insensitive

const RegexRules = require("regex-rules");
const r = new RegexRules(
    "example-domain: "^http://example\\.com",
    "insecure-example-com": ["example-domain"],
    case_insensitive: true

  r.evaluateRule("http://EXAMPLE.com", "insecure-example-com"); # true

If you don't need to reuse regular expressions, you can provide the regex directly in the rule definition rather than referencing a regex by name:

const RegexRules = require("regex-rules");
const r = new RegexRules(
    "insecure-example-com": ["^http://example\\.com"],
        allow_direct_regex: true

  r.evaluateRule("http://EXAMPLE.com", "insecure-example-com"); # true