
A complete, yet simple, starter for Angular 2 using webpack

Inspired by Angular2 Webpack Starter & Angular 1 Webpack workflow.

This seed repo serves as an Angular 2 starter for anyone looking to get up and running with Angular 2 and TypeScript fast. Using a Webpack for building our files and assisting with boilerplate. We're also using Protractor for our end-to-end story and Karma for our unit tests.

Warning: Make sure you're using the latest version of Node.js and NPM

Is Angular 2 Ready Yet?

Quick start

Clone/Download the repo then edit app.ts inside /src/app/app.ts

# clone our repo
git clone

# change directory to our repo
cd ng2-webpack

# install the repo with npm
npm install

# start the server
npm start

go to http://localhost:3000 in your browser

Table of Contents

Getting Started


What you need to run this app:

  • node and npm (brew install node)
  • Ensure you're running the latest versions Node (v4.1.x+) and NPM (2.14.x+)


  • fork this repo
  • clone your fork
  • npm install to install all dependencies

Running the app

After you have installed all dependencies you can now run the app with:

npm start

It will start a local server using webpack-dev-server which will watch, build (in-memory), and reload for you. The port will be displayed to you as http://localhost:3000 (or if you prefer IPv6, if you're using express server, then it's http://[::1]:3000/).


Add new components, services, pipes with Angular 2 cli

  • npm install -g angular-cli to install Angular 2 cli
  • Add a new component with: ng generate component my-new-component
  • Add a new service with: ng generate service my-new-service
  • Add a new pipe with: ng generate pipe my-new-pipe

Build files

  • single run: npm run build
  • build files and watch: npm run watch


1. Unit Tests

  • single run: npm test
  • live mode (TDD style): npm run test-watch

2. End-to-End Tests (aka. e2e, integration)

  • single run:
    • in a tab, if not already running!: npm start
    • in a new tab: npm run webdriver-start
    • in another new tab: npm run e2e
  • interactive mode:
    • instead of the last command above, you can run: npm run e2e-live
    • when debugging or first writing test suites, you may find it helpful to try out Protractor commands without starting up the entire test suite. You can do this with the element explorer.
    • you can learn more about Protractor Interactive Mode here


You can generate api docs (using TypeDoc) for your code with the following:

npm run docs


Coming Soon

We will post common Q&A as they arise


To take full advantage of TypeScript with autocomplete you would have to install it globally and use an editor with the correct TypeScript plugins.

Use latest TypeScript compiler

TypeScript 1.7.x includes everything you need. Make sure to upgrade, even if you installed TypeScript previously.

npm install --global typescript

Use a TypeScript-aware editor

We have good experience using these editors:


Please follow these basic steps to simplify pull request reviews:

  • Please rebase your branch against the current master
  • Run npm install to make sure your development dependencies are up-to-date
  • Please ensure that the test suite passes npm test before submitting a PR
  • If you've added new functionality, please include tests which validate its behavior
  • Make reference to possible issues on PR comment

Submitting bug reports

  • Please detail the affected browser(s) and operating system(s)
  • Please be sure to state which version of node and npm you're using

Other Seed/Example Repos
