Dune Wrapped Library Example

From the dune docs, about defining wrapped libraries (the default):

For instance, the modules of a library named foo will be available as Foo.XXX, outside of foo itself; however, it is allowed to write an explicit Foo module, which will be the library interface. You are free to expose only the modules you want.

The point of this example is to investigate what happens in the however case.

Details of the Example

We use a dune wrapped library to define a library interface

  • The library name is "wrapped_example", given in ./lib/dune
  • "lib/wrapped_example.ml" defines the library interface

tree -I _build produces:

├── README.md
├── bin
│   ├── dune
│   └── main.ml
├── dune-project
├── lib
│   ├── dune
│   ├── hidden.ml
│   ├── re_exposed.ml
│   └── wrapped_example.ml
└── wrapped_example.opam

Observable behavior

Here is bin/main.ml, showing that, of the modules in lib, only Wrapped_example is visible:

let () =
    Printf.printf ": %d\n" @@ Wrapped_example.add_1 1; (* OK *)
    Printf.printf "result: %d\n" @@ Wrapped_example.Re_exposed.the_value; (* OK *)
    let _ = Wrapped_example.the_value in (* Unbound module Hidden *)
    (* let _ = Hidden.the_value in (1* Unbound module Hidden *1) *)

You can compile and run the code with dune exec -- ./bin/main.exe

As can be shown with un-commenting things in ./bin/main.ml, only Wrapped_example is visible from bin. Well, almost. There are mangled names also visible:

If I run dune utop then type Wrapped_example, the completions are:


Peeking at the _build directory

tree _build produces:

├── default
│   ├── bin
│   │   ├── main.exe
│   │   ├── main.ml
│   │   └── main.mli
│   └── lib
│       ├── hidden.ml
│       ├── re_exposed.ml
│       ├── wrapped_example.a
│       ├── wrapped_example.cma
│       ├── wrapped_example.cmxa
│       ├── wrapped_example.ml
│       └── wrapped_example__.ml-gen
└── log

In the _build/default/lib directory, wrapped_example.ml, has a corresopnding .a and .cmxa and __.ml-gen but the other modules in the library do not.

I don't know how to inspect the .cma and .cmxa files, but the others (and dune utop) hint at what's going on.

cat _build/default/lib/wrapped_example__.ml-gen


(* generated by dune *)

(** @canonical Wrapped_example.Hidden *)
module Hidden = Wrapped_example__Hidden

(** @canonical Wrapped_example.Re_exposed *)
module Re_exposed = Wrapped_example__Re_exposed

module Wrapped_example__ = struct end
[@@deprecated "this module is shadowed"]

otool -tV _build/default/lib/wrapped_example.a | grep __entry:

