
vagrant environment for EBRC web development

Primary LanguageShell

A Vagrant Demo For EBRC Website Development

This is an very incomplete starter project for EBRC website development. Copy it, make it your own, commit it to your own repository.

The Vagrant box has been provisioned using a subset of the same pipelines used to set up development webservers in the datacenter so it should have high parity with the traditional work environments. Nonetheless, treat this Vagrant project and box as a proof of concept and chance to identify features needed in our next generation VM templates.



Vagrant manages the lifecycle of the virtual machine, guided by the instructions in the Vagrantfile included with this project.


You should refer to Vagrant documentation and related online forums for information not covered in this document.


Vagrant needs VirtualBox to host the virtual machine defined in this project's Vagrantfile. Other virtualization software (e.g. VMWare) are not compatible with this Vagrant project as it is currently configured.


You should refer to VirtualBox documentation and related online forums for information not covered in this document.


Ansible is currently not required. This is needed for the optional task of provisioning a specific website.


You should refer to Ansible documentation and related online forums for information not covered in this document.

The Ansible provisioner runs ansible-galaxy to acquire roles specified in ansible/requirements.yml. This step overwrites existing roles and any development edits you've made. Touch a nogalaxy file in the same directory as Vagrantfile to disable the ansible-galaxy step so your edits don't get deleted.

Vagrant Landrush Plugin (Optional)

The Landrush plugin for Vagrant provides a local DNS so you can register guest hostnames and refer to them in the host browser. It is not strictly required but it makes life easier than editing /etc/hosts files. This plugin has maximum benefit for OS X hosts, some benefit for Linux hosts and no benefit for Windows. Windows hosts will need to edit hosts files.

vagrant plugin install landrush

If you have trouble getting the host to resolve guest hostnames through landrush try clearing the host DNS cache by running sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder.

If you want to host multiple product sites - say, sa.vm.toxodb.org and sa.vm.giardiadb.org - you may want our Landrush fork that supports multiple TLD management. Until and unless our Pull Request is accepted by the upstream maintainer you will have to install the plugin using the gem file included with this project.

vagrant plugin install landrush-0.18.0.gem

To manually build and install from source

git clone https://github.com/mheiges/landrush.git
cd landrush
rake build
vagrant plugin install pkg/landrush-0.18.0.gem

You should refer to Landrush and Vagrant documentation and related online forums for information not covered in this document.


Clone This Vagrant Project

clone https://github.com/mheiges/vagrant-webdev.git

cd vagrant-webdev

Optionally prepare for automated website provisioning

This is still under development and highly experimental.

Copy installsite_min.prop from https://github.com/mheiges/ansible-ebrcwebsite/tree/master/doc to installsite.yml in the same directory as this project's Vagrantfile.

Edit installsite.yml. Configure a source for default values from /dashboard and other personalized settings.

Start the Virtual Machine

vagrant up

ssh to the Virtual Machine

To connect to the VM as the vagrant user, run

vagrant ssh

Manually install a website

If you opted not to use automated website provisioning use the following guidance.

Enable a Tomcat Instance

The virtual machine comes with the common set of EBRC tomcat instances preinstalled and configured but they are in the disabled state so they do not unnecessarily consume system memory. Before installing a website, you will need to enable one or more of the tomcat instances using instance_manager.

sudo instance_manager enable AmoebaDB

You may need to increase the memory in the Vagrantfile to run more than one tomcat instance. See Vagrant documentation for instructions.

Likewise, shutdown and disable an instance you no longer need with instance_manager.

sudo instance_manager disable AmoebaDB

Install a Website

Once logged in to the VM as the vagrant user, run


and follow instructions. The hostname is preconfigured to be webdev.vm.apidb.org in the Vagrantfile so you can readily create a website with that hostname.

If are using the Landrush plugin, you can edit the config.landrush.tld array in Vagrantfile to include project vanity domains - allowing you, for example, to have websites for sa.vm.toxodb.org and sa.vm.amoebadb.org. See 'About Apache VirtualHost Names' below for more details on hostname.

Website Maintenance

The virtual machine uses the same environment as physical servers so standard operating procedures apply. See summary list of tools at https://wiki.apidb.org/index.php/WebsiteMaintenanceScripts

About Apache VirtualHost Names

The convention is to use vm.*.org subdomains of our project domains as hostnames. This allows us to have Landrush to configure the local DNS to handle any request to those subdomains (e.g. sa.vm.toxodb.org) and direct them to the guest virtual machine while allowing primary domain requests to pass through, so requests to www.toxodb.org are directed to our physical servers.

In short, for OS X hosts, I recommend using the Landrush plugin and using a vagrant configuration something like

config.vm.hostname = 'sa.vm.toxodb.org'
config.landrush.tld = 'vm.toxodb.org'

and installing your website with a matching hostname, e.g. sa.vm.toxodb.org. (The sa name is not important, you can choose any name you prefer).

With this setup, pointing your browser at http://sa.vm.toxodb.org/ will show you the virtual machine, http://toxodb.org/ will take you to the live production website.

Known Issues

Put $PROJECT_HOME on an NFS share somehow so it can be edited with host IDE. (I manually make a project_home directory on /vagrant/scratch and symlink it in /var/www/sa.vm.toxodb.org/. There are many other options to explore.

Many other things to be discovered.