
Autodocodec is short for "self(auto)- documenting encoder and decoder".

In short: You write a single instance, of the 'Codec' type-class, for your type, and you get:

See the golden test directory directory for example outputs.


  • ✓ Correct-by-construction encoding and decoding, without generating code.
  • ✓ Generate automatically-correct documentation from code.
  • ✓ Support for recursive types.

State of this project

This project is ready to try out!

Fully featured example

data Example = Example
  { exampleTextField :: !Text,
    exampleIntField :: !Int
  deriving stock (Show, Eq, Generic)
    ( FromJSON, -- <- FromJSON instance for free.
      ToJSON, -- <- ToJSON instance for free.
      Swagger.ToSchema, -- <- Swagger schema for free.
      OpenAPI.ToSchema -- <- OpenAPI schema for free.
    via (Autodocodec Example)

instance HasCodec Example where
  codec =
    object "Example" $
        <$> requiredField "text" "documentation for the text field" .= exampleTextField
        <*> requiredField "int" "documentation for the int field" .= exampleIntField


While we don't provide any actual guarantees, we do have tests for the following properties that we would like to maintain: