
Primary LanguagePython

Desktop candy and scripts for HPC

This is a collection of scripts with a .conkyrc, to keep track of the status of remote machines at HPC facilities. It can also fetch information about queue and node status from EASY and TORQUE.

Note that this README will soon be updated to better suit the general public.

The whole thing looks like the image below. Scroll down for info!

Full screenshot

Getting Conky

Install conky through your package manager, build it yourself or use my module for NADABUNTU. It's located at:


See below how to use it.

If not using the module

Conky can be downloaded from this webpage at sourceforge. On a NADABUNTU computer, I had to build the dependency lua, link here.

Build and install it locally, or from your package manager. Ask me if you can't figure it out.

Get conkyrc and the scripts

# Clone my repo
git clone /afs/pdc.kth.se/misc/pdc/support-group/repos/conky-monitoring.git ~/conky

Set the $MACHINE variable in ~/conky/settings to the machines you want to get status for.

Starting Conky

To avoid creating lots of connections, the conky_multiplex script is executed before starting conky. This sets up multiplexed SSH sessions to ellen, ferlin, lindgren, povel and zorn. These are then used by conky through the conky_ssh script. If this is not desired, you just need to change that script, as well as some lines in .conkyrc that checks for existance of the SSH sockets.

In the repo, there is a file called conky_env. It will set up some environment variables, load the conky module, start conky and finally launch a python script to kill the SSH-sessions upon logout.

To start conky on a NADABUNTU machine, if cloned as above, simply do:


Then close the terminal. This file should be customized if you want to do things differently.

To load it on login you can add the the following command to startup

bash -c "sleep 20; ~/conky/conky_env"

If you don't want to let the python script kill the backgrounded SSH-sessions, you can kill them yourself using



The whole thing looks like the image at the top. My conkyrc and the scripts is in a git repo located at /afs/pdc.kth.se/misc/pdc/support-group/repos/conky-monitoring.git.

Below follows a small rundown of the different parts.


AFS screenshot

.conkyrc example

Checking AFS stats on home directory every 10 minutes.

${font arial black:size=7}VOLUME${goto 100}TYPE${goto 150}USED${goto 210}FREE${alignr 1}SIZE$font
${font arial black:size=7}HOME:$font${goto 100}afs${goto 150}${execi 600 $CONKY_HOME/scripts/fs-conky used ~}${goto 210}${execi 600 $CONKY_HOME/scripts/fs-conky free ~}${alignr}${execi 600 $CONKY_HOME/scripts/fs-conky size ~}
${execibar 600 $CONKY_HOME/scripts/fs-conky percent ~}

For more details, see the scripts/fs-conky.

Ping, load and top on a remote machine

Part that checks status of different machines. This uses multiplexed SSH sessions in the given conky_ssh script. The machine-status script tests if the machine responds to ping. If it responds, it checks the load and top (cpu) process on that host and outputs it according to the template in templates/machine-status.

Machine status screenshot

.conkyrc example

Checking status on all $MACHINES every 120 seconds:

${execpi 120 $CONKY_HOME/scripts/machine-status}

For more details, see the scripts/machine-status.

Use and abuse of interactive nodes on Lindgren

Checks for interactive jobs that has been running for more than 1h. If such jobs are found, stats are printed about those jobs. It also reports how many of the interative nodes are in use and how many interactive jobs are running.

Interabuse screenshot

.conkyrc example

Check the interactive nodes on Lindgren every 15 minutes.

${font arial black:size=7}INTERACTIVE JOBS > 1h${font}
${execi 900 $CONKY_HOME/scripts/conky_ssh lindgren "$CONKY_HOME/scripts/interabuse"}

See scripts/interabuse for more details.

Lindgren queue

Reports stats of your jobs in the queue. Active, idle and blocked. If you have no jobs in the queue, it reports the number of eligeble jobs in the queue.

Lindgren queue screenshot

This one prints output to be parsed by conky, so the formatting has to be changed in the script if desired.

.conkyrc example

Check the queue every 5 min.

${execpi 300 $CONKY_HOME/scripts/conky_ssh lindgren "$CONKY_HOME/scripts/showmyq"}

See scripts/showmyq for details.

Stats from EASY

Reports how many nodes are up/defined on a machine running EASY.

EASY stats screenshot

.conkyrc example

Check EASY stats on povel every 5 min.

${font arial black:size=7}POVEL: ${font}\
${execi 300 $CONKY_HOME/scripts/conky_ssh povel "module add python/2.7.5 && module add easy && $CONKY_HOME/scripts/easystat"}

See scripts/easystat for more details.