Android Checkout App

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


  • Clone the repo / or unzip the provided file.
cd Checkout

Running the application

Android Architecture

  • This is app is build based on MVVM architecture enhanced with states and some modification toward the clean architecture which was inspired by uncle BOB while using DI and Coroutines.
  • Layered multi-module app (data - domain - presentation)

Project Structure

The project has following modules:

  1. data: It contains all the data accessing and manipulating components(Database"Local in case needed" , Network - model - mappers - repository implementation).
  2. domain: It contains all the business logic components(UseCases - repository interfaces - domain models).
  3. presentation: View classes(Activity/Compose Screens - ViewModel).
    -> Each module has it's own DI package to describe how this module dependencies been provided

The app used the following Third parties:

  1. DI: Dagger Hilt .
  2. Asynchronous: Coroutine.
  3. Network: Retrofit.
  4. UI: Jetpack Compose.
  5. UnitTest: mockk - junit4 - kotlinFixture.

Future Plans:

  1. Enhance the compose navigation code.
  2. Support multiple card types with showing icon to represent each type when user type the card number.
  3. E2E/ui test using Kaspresso.
  4. Add snapshot testing using paparazzi which doesn't require any physical device or emulator to run.
  5. Add ktlint gradle support.
  6. Github actions to build/run tests and generate release.