
test assignment for cloudera frontend engineer role

Primary LanguageTypeScript


This project was generated with Angular CLI version 7.3.8.

To try a working demo of the project visit https://herczeg6179.github.io/cloudera-github-search/


nodejs use nvm to install the correct nodejs version. navigate to the root folder of the project and run the following command (it automatically installs and activates the correct ndoejs version)

$ nvm install

note: nvm does not work so well on windows. it's still fine for managing installation, but doesn't work with a .nvmrc file. run

> nvm install {look up version in the .nvmrc file}
> nvm use {same version}


  • Run npm install before first use.
  • Run npm run start to start the local development server.
  • Run npm run build to create the production artifacts.
    • note: they will be placed in the dist folder
  • Run npm run format:changed to have prettier format all the changed files
  • Run npm run test:watch to run the tests, and then keeps re-running them on changes in the code

Other Commands

  • npm run format:staged prettier formats the staged files. runs pre-commit
  • npm run lint lints the code, runs pre-commit
  • npm run test runs the tests once. runs pre-push
  • npm run ng -- {options} for running ng-cli commands with the local installation
  • npm run prettier -- {options} for running prettier commands with the local installation

Code scaffolding

Run npm run ng generate component path/to/component-name (-- --module="module-name") to generate a new component. You can also use npm run ng generate directive|pipe|service|class|guard|interface|enum|module.