
Unix mecanism

Primary LanguageC

🛠️ pipex

Unix mecanism

💡 About the project

This project will allow you to discover, through its use in your program, the operation of a UNIX mechanism that you are already familiar with.

For more detailed information, look at the subject of this project.

🛠️ Usage


The function is written in C language and thus needs the gcc compiler and some standard C libraries to run.


1. Compiling

To compile, go to the project path and run:

$ make

📋 Testing

This program will replicate the behaviour of the next shell command:

$ < file1 cmd1 | cmd2 > file2

To test the program you just need to launch "pipex" with this parameters:

$ ./pipex file1 cmd1 cmd2 file2

In the bonus part the program can handle multiple pipes:

$ < file1 cmd1 | cmd2 | cmd3 | ... | cmdn > file2

To test the program you just need to launch "pipex" with this parameters:

$ ./pipex file1 cmd1 cmd2 cmd3 ... cmdn file2

Also in the bonus part the program can handle << and >> redirections:

$ cmd1 << LIMITER | cmd2 >> file2

To test the program you just need to launch "pipex" with this parameters:

$ ./pipex here_doc LIMITER cmd1 cmd2 file2