
The Cabin Booking Management System is a comprehensive solution designed to streamline cabin bookings with a robust admin interface and a user-friendly client-side application. This system leverages modern technologies to ensure efficient data handling, state management, and a seamless user experience.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Admin Project

Tech Stack

  • React Router: Manages dynamic routing within the application.
  • Styled Components: Enables component-level styling with scoped, maintainable CSS.
  • React Query: Handles remote state management with features like caching and background updates.
  • Context API: Manages global UI state, avoiding prop drilling.
  • React Hook Form: Simplifies form management and validation with minimal re-renders.
  • Supabase: Provides backend services for real-time data storage and API management.


  • Dynamic routing with React Router.
  • Theming and responsive design with Styled Components.
  • Efficient data fetching and caching with React Query.
  • Centralized UI state management using Context API.
  • Advanced form handling with React Hook Form.
  • Scalable real-time data handling with Supabase.

Client-Side Project

Tech Stack

  • NextJS: A framework providing server-side rendering, static site generation, and routing.
  • TailwindCSS: A utility-first CSS framework for responsive and modern styling.
  • Context API: Manages global UI state efficiently.
  • Supabase: Handles remote state storage and real-time API data.


  • Server-side rendering and static site generation with NextJS.
  • Modular and responsive design using NextJS and TailwindCSS.
  • Robust global state management with Context API.