
Port HD-Classification to use Hetero-C++

Primary LanguageC++

This project is dedicated to implementation of classification algorithm using Hyperdimensional Computing (HDC) for various hardware platforms including CPU, GPU, and FPGA.


Step 0: Install The Packages

Installed packages

  1. Python3
  2. Python sklearn: pip install scikit-learn
  3. Python numpy:
  4. 7zip: apt install p7zip-full p7zip-rar

Step1: Unpack The Dataset

Install 7zip using this command:

sudo apt install p7zip-full p7zip-rar

Extract the contents of the dataset:

cd dataset
7z x isolet_pickle.7z

Generate .pickle file:

python dataConversion.py

Step2: Run The Python Code:

python main.py --path ../dataset/isolet.pickle --d 1000 --alg rp --epoch 20
# Parameters: 
# --path: path to pickle dataset 
# --d: number of dimensions (defualt 500)
# --alg: encoding technique (rp, )
# --epoch: number of retraining iterations (default 20)
# --lr: learning rate (default 1.0)
# --L: number of levels (default 64)

Example output:

Encoding 4991 train data
0% 4% 9% 14% 19% 24% 29% 34% 39% 44% 49% 54% 59% 64% 69% 74% 79% 84% 89% 94% 99%

Encoding 1247 validation data
0% 4% 9% 14% 19% 24% 29% 34% 39% 44% 49% 54% 59% 64% 69% 74% 79% 84% 89% 94% 99%

20 retraining epochs
epoch 0: 0.9054 epoch 1: 0.9118 epoch 2: 0.9102 epoch 3: 0.9166 epoch 4: 0.9198 epoch 5: 0.9206
epoch 6: 0.9182 epoch 7: 0.9166 epoch 8: 0.9198 epoch 9: 0.9214 epoch 10: 0.9182
epoch 11: 0.9222 epoch 12: 0.9206 epoch 13: 0.9254 epoch 14: 0.9222 epoch 15: 0.9230
epoch 16: 0.9278 epoch 17: 0.9246 epoch 18: 0.9246 epoch 19: 0.9254

Encoding 1559 test data
0% 4% 9% 14% 19% 24% 29% 34% 39% 44% 49% 54% 59% 64% 69% 74% 79% 83% 88% 93% 98%



docker-compose build 
docker-compose up
docker exec -it basic_ubuntu_container bash