
Minimalist Lightweight in-process JSON File Database

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


[ deprecated ]

JavaScript Object Database Operation
Minimalist Lightweight in-process JSON File Database

Jodo Makes a minimal simple database out of a normal object or a JSON file. Any Jodo Database is an instance of Object and caches data in memory.

Quick Start


NPM: $ npm install jodo
or Manual: copy the Jodo.js file to your project.


const Jodo = require('Jodo');
var db = Jodo('./flat_file.json');

or Initiate like this:

var db = Jodo({x:{},y:{},...});

It's Alive!

// Search and Manipulate:
var result = db.any('username','jacky',true);
var manipulated = db.users.any("age",">",20, true, function(val, entry){
    // In-process Manipulating Data
    entry['is_teen'] = true;

// saving changes


Creating a Jodo Database-Object:

  • jodo('path/to/file.json')

  • jodo(object)
    each returns jodo-object, with these properties:

    • jodo-object.path String (path of flat json file)

    • jodo-object.save() saves current state of database-object to json file.

    • jodo-object.save('Optional_Path/to/new_file.json') Saves current state of object to new json file and returns {path:'...', status:{}} on successful or false on failed saving. Note: 2nd Argument (if !null & string) is root for path resolving (Default: process.cwd). Example: db.save('test.json','../'). It Makes Files Not Directories.

    • jodo-object.any()
      Search Function. parameters:

      • field [String] where (field name) to search
      • condition [String] _optional (!=,>=,... Default: ==)
      • value [String] what to search
      • Case Insensitivity [Boolean] Default: true
      • Manipulator_function(value, entry) // It gets called for each found value and entry. returning not undefined means it changed value to what is returned.
    • nested-jodo-subfields.any() // to the deeper levels
      Exmple: db.any(); db.users.any(); db.users.persians.any();


  • saved : Successfully.
  • found : Means any() has results.
    Note: Jodo has db.on('event',...) & db.once('event',...) functions for listening [only]; for more advanced jobs use: db._EventEmitter_.on('event',...)


Copyright © 2016 Morteza H. Golkar